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I would and here's the best place. Julian Assange | Media |

It's serious stuff Dave. The USA could even introduce Laws to get Julian locked up for live. Bradley Manning is a soldier being detained on suspicion of leaking the Apache gun ship video which was filmed in 2007. Only today have the USA started to suggest that he is now suffering from Sycopathic Behaviour. They want him locked up in a mental institute for life.

All he wanted to do was fight for his country. But he eventually ended up working with the secret intelligence dept somewhere and had access to these videos and documents (the first ones "afgan war logs" not the "cables" which are a different set of leaks). He was shocked of the crimes being committed under instruction of his superiors, and he knew what was being reported "officially" in the press "that they were militants"!!!!! - So now he's in USA Physco hospital, or will be soon if he aint. You don't come out of those in the US. They're not like ours. And especially given the situation. Its the guantanamo way of dealing with american citizens that they don't want in the public domain.

Bradley knows to much. He can't be released now.

It's worth noting he's Welsh but served for the US as he lived there. Or something like that.

We will not be able to absorb the full implications of this even in a few years time. This is history being made right here. 🙂 And good history for a change.
I think a lot of people, and it's proven in polls that the USA are accepting all this as truth a lot less than most parts of the world. I think of it as a learning curve we all need to learn. And it's not all a conspiracy thing like the usual thing.

I see it like this:-

When I was 4 I believed in santa, when I grew up I learnt that he didn't exist.
When I was 10 I believed in UFO's, when I grew up I learnt they didn't exist, but other life forms in the sense of cells and whatnot may exist somewhere but we're yet to find much, not even in water-ice.
When I was 18 I believed governments were corrupt, I never voted untill this year, but over the years learnt a little about politics (and even from discussion on here) and decided to vote. I voted for Conservatives as I believed them to be less corrupt than Labour.

Now I have the chance to actually learn the truth about this. And this will affect my view on news agencies, governments, wars, and even life!

This is probably one of the best things I've learnt.

It's just going to take a while for everybody to care enough to have a read and more importantly, a honest, well-informed view on it. And only then can you really comment, as we'd say on here. (But I'm not actually saying right now, mind).
When I was 4 I believed in santa, when I grew up I learnt that he didn't exist.

What you mean he don't exist.,.
Sorry, sorry, I meant to say 'I learnt through fact that he DOES exist' it's a really long typo. :lol:
Julian Assange: Ecuadorian embassy statement in full - Telegraph

So this still goes on.

Assange, if you've been following, is still in the UK who still wants to extradite him to Sweden, who has said before now (but in more recent times has done a big U-turn on the issue) they would consider extradition to the USA, where Bradley Manning, a bloke who has still not had a trial with regards to accusations that he leaked the initial secret data, containing tens of thousands of war crimes (even though USA is still trying to overthrow governments for similar crimes), is being tortured (according to UN reviews - what reviews they could carry out with all the blocks USA put in place to protect even more possible crimes) as if it's the 1800's, has written a speech.

The above speech is in full, and includes the fact that even though the UK Government have said they wouldn't, and couldn't, storm the building, actually have. However if you scan BBC versions of this, they cut the speech video, and don't include much of these facts in their quotes.

I wish there were a lot more blokes like this within governments. As I'm sure we'd learn a lot more about who WE give these powers to when voting.

I'm sure USA are behind most of these 'civil' wars and are in fact just trying to stick a bloke in charge who they control, and if they can't, they'll cause a small war that doesn't cost them as much as them going to war themselves.

5 million the UK have given to Sirian "rebels" which is what they were calling them at first. Now they're naming them something like "the peoples army" lol

Proper joke.

I hope Julian does get to Ecuador and never ends up in the US. And still manages to publish their wrong-doings in this world.

China and their ways seem minor if all these stories are actually facts. I wish the Media would publish more in understandable stories as it takes yonks to get your head around the 'cables' and documents written by politicians when you read Wikileaks documents.

If you can't find the info on Wikileaks, don't worry, there are millions of torrents out there which will allow you to download the whole lot in a big chunk.

Do you think he should have stayed out of it? Or would you rather know what's really going on behind all these wars?
I dont know much about it but saw on the news that sweden is one of the biggest protectors of human rights in the world and have made the assurances that he wont be passed to the USA.

I think the chances of the embassy being entered to get him is non existant, I dont think it would have happened anyway but even less so know becuase its in the media spotlight.

I also think the chances of him getting to ecaudor are non existant, judging by the news reports there are police inside the building (which is used by others apart from ecaudor, who just have a small part of it, the entire building isnt there embassy), and outside.

Its right that he seeks assurances from sweden, but once they come he should immediatley go to sweden to face the accusations, not least because if the accusations are true thee victims must be completley distraught that he is able to avoid justice, IF they allegations are true.

I think his extradition is inevitable ultimatley, its going to be interesting to see how it pans out.

If the assurances come from sweden do you think he will leave the embassy, I reckon if the assurances come they will recind his assylum.


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