I would and here's the best place. Julian Assange | Media | guardian.co.uk
It's serious stuff Dave. The USA could even introduce Laws to get Julian locked up for live. Bradley Manning is a soldier being detained on suspicion of leaking the Apache gun ship video which was filmed in 2007. Only today have the USA started to suggest that he is now suffering from Sycopathic Behaviour. They want him locked up in a mental institute for life.
All he wanted to do was fight for his country. But he eventually ended up working with the secret intelligence dept somewhere and had access to these videos and documents (the first ones "afgan war logs" not the "cables" which are a different set of leaks). He was shocked of the crimes being committed under instruction of his superiors, and he knew what was being reported "officially" in the press "that they were militants"!!!!! - So now he's in USA Physco hospital, or will be soon if he aint. You don't come out of those in the US. They're not like ours. And especially given the situation. Its the guantanamo way of dealing with american citizens that they don't want in the public domain.
Bradley knows to much. He can't be released now.
It's worth noting he's Welsh but served for the US as he lived there. Or something like that.
We will not be able to absorb the full implications of this even in a few years time. This is history being made right here. 🙂 And good history for a change.
It's serious stuff Dave. The USA could even introduce Laws to get Julian locked up for live. Bradley Manning is a soldier being detained on suspicion of leaking the Apache gun ship video which was filmed in 2007. Only today have the USA started to suggest that he is now suffering from Sycopathic Behaviour. They want him locked up in a mental institute for life.
All he wanted to do was fight for his country. But he eventually ended up working with the secret intelligence dept somewhere and had access to these videos and documents (the first ones "afgan war logs" not the "cables" which are a different set of leaks). He was shocked of the crimes being committed under instruction of his superiors, and he knew what was being reported "officially" in the press "that they were militants"!!!!! - So now he's in USA Physco hospital, or will be soon if he aint. You don't come out of those in the US. They're not like ours. And especially given the situation. Its the guantanamo way of dealing with american citizens that they don't want in the public domain.
Bradley knows to much. He can't be released now.
It's worth noting he's Welsh but served for the US as he lived there. Or something like that.
We will not be able to absorb the full implications of this even in a few years time. This is history being made right here. 🙂 And good history for a change.