Ivegots you've hit the nail on the head!!!! I'd like to do one.... did my H&S test but I am excluded because I can't get funding and like you I can't afford 5 grand. It seems that in order to get a cscs card I have to be in the process of doing an NVQ. As there are no public training providers nor the funding for this particular trade I would have to go down the road of doing an OAST.
If the government want us all to have NVQ's then they should damn well make it easier.
Sorry OSAT
I got my CSCS card when I did my course at PTS, cost me £62 or something like that. I've not even thought about an NVQ and won't unless legislation is passed that prevents me from continuing as a self employed tiler.
I thought there are many centres around the UK that will CSCS test you?