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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all the replys.

An update - we've just taken a second tile up. It came up very easily - with zero adhesive stuck to the tile again. But the adhesive under the second one is chalky and soft and a different (slightly darker colour to the first one).

The adhesive on the first one is rock hard but the second one will crumble when I dig it with my nail. That can't be right can it?

Thanks again

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all the replys.

An update - we've just taken a second tile up. It came up very easily - with zero adhesive stuck to the tile again. But the adhesive under the second one is chalky and soft and a different (slightly darker colour to the first one).

The adhesive on the first one is rock hard but the second one will crumble when I dig it with my nail. That can't be right can it?

Thanks again


What is the floor? Anhydrite or sand and cement?
Was it properly commissioned?
Moisture readings taken and checked?
Was it sanded and primed?
I think it could be the floor / adhesive combo.
Hi Impish,

The floor is Anhydrite but the screed was fitted last September and the first floor wasnt put down until late december so it was dry the first time. This second floor was fitted this September so screed was down a full year. It was really dry.

It was sanded and primed so the floor was ok I think. In fact the adhesive has stuck firm to the screed so the failure seems to be more it sticking to the tiles.

I'm amazed to find this soft adhesive. It almost feels damp in this section.

The screed wasnt damp in this section so I've no idea why the adhesive could be damp still. Unless its been handled wrongly when put down or we have a leak in the UFH which is unlikely I think.
A leak in the ufh would mean you'd be topping up the pressure. You'd normally notice that.
Other than adhesive failure or contaminated tiles , I'm stumped.
Anyone else any ideas?
Head scratcher this one! I'm of the opinion that all floor tiles be back buttered however I don't think that would have made a difference in this fail. I'd be contacting Granfix asap and possibly getting a sample of the addy independently tested, costly but reassuring. If the floor has been prepped to the letter, the ufh commissioned to the letter then that only leaves the addy. We had a run of floors fail in this way, tiles just not adhering to the addy. Unfortunately in our case the addy manufacturer (I've named them elsewhere) did not want to know.
Sounds like thermal shock to me are you confident no one tampered with your under floor heating ?
Hi All,

I'll be getting in touch with the rep tomorrow but I want to arm myself with as much info as possible first so I don't get walked over.

I've never seen adhesive like this - i've removed plenty in my time and its always rock hard. This I could get up with a spoon!

I've just taken a 3rd tile up and thats very slightly damp and soft underneath too - but I'm 99% sure its not the UFH.

Could it have been overwatered when mixed and failed that way? I'm not sure why else it would still be damp? We've had UFH on for about a month so surely that would have dried it out.

Rich Midge - thats worrying about the adhesive comp not wanting to know. I'm hoping tile choice will have some sway there if it is adhesive failure. Where would I go about getting an indy test of this stuff?
Hi Gary, 100% sure nobody tampered with it. The thermostat was off for the whole time - after the last issue we had there was no way we would risk doing anything other than what we were told to do. Not a chance.


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