surge protection for heating system Electrical Advice
- By Lou
surge protection for heating system Discussion Threadsurge protection for heating system Electrical Advice
last week, houses in the road had a power cut one evening, although we hadn't at that stage...then, in bed near midnight, we were dozing, then heard a loud pop in the up and smelt a very strong electrical burning smell (we were also then without power), it was coming from the programmer, so i unplugged the heating system: it is plugged into an ordinary socket which...
last week, houses in the road had a power cut one evening, although we hadn't at that stage...then, in bed near midnight, we were dozing, then heard a loud pop in the up and smelt a very strong electrical burning smell (we were also then without power), it was coming from the programmer, so i unplugged the heating system: it is plugged into an ordinary socket which...