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Greetings visitors, and established members alike.

In the past I was all-too-quick to complain in my mind & voice negativity. I felt as though there were no one willing to hire me. Would I have to take an hourly warehouse job again?

On the street I still hear the ever present & depressing words "sour economy", and "on the verge of a recession" mentioned by glum faces and disheartened souls.

Today I realize that prosperity is something we speak unto ourselves daily, and pursue as if on a quest for survival. We press on, struggling against adversity........and improve our "Personal Economy".

I'll walk the walk, as if I've got it all. Who could ask for more?

I'm perfectly happy. Everything I touch turns out perfect, and I'll do it with ease. Time & time again.

I won't solicit realtors & builders so desperately. I'll let them come to me.

They shall know me by my work, and the words spoken to them of me by my long portfolio of satisfied clients.

My friends, there is nothing wrong with being confident in yourself. You are your own best coach. Speak great things, and do good, better, best.

Here is an example,

I found myself at the completion of a job that seemed to never end. I was paid in full for that job. The money was hard earned, yet easily spent. (food, clothing, shelter....and some fun)

Now then, some of the bids/proposals I had floating around for various "potential clients"....just didn't go through fast enough. So, I'm on the computer, searching for work early in the morning, and making contacts in person Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm. Yes, I prayed a lot. For whatever reason, most of the folks I approached seemed repelled by my "old style" of street solicitation. However do they expect for us to meet?

I try to reason with the public, and those in related industries. We need one another, and that's what makes the world go 'round. I share my portfolio and distribute literature in nice folders with a business card attached. If I walk into an office, and they seem hurried or threatened by my unannounced visit, I simply introduce myself, ask for a business card, and set up an appointment by email. (the new way of doing things).

So, I spent Monday through Wednesday like this, hittin' the streets, makin' the contacts. Cold name it.

Then, I receive a call from a guy and his wife I used to attend Church with. They need a deck built outside their home in Fort Worth, Texas. "Tim" has hired me before, by the hour to move furniture, clean the garage, etc. He says that since it's near the Holidays, he thought I could use some extra money, :gettree: however, he's sorry he doesn't have any tile work. cool, right? I told him I'd take inventory of what supplies he had on-hand, and check prices on lumber we would need. Very relaxed gentleman, no problem. So, Saturday I show up with architectural drawings (simple/on graphing paper) and measurements, a plan, and a detailed bid. Originally I said it would be a couple grand ($2000), and he looked very startled. Then, with a little more questioning/listening I find he doesn't require anything fancy, just use the scrap wood pile. I ask for a budget, and he says $600 to $700. So, I devise a fair bid of $580, and ask for $100 in materials.

This just goes to show, a man can be taken care of, if he trusts in himself, God, and fellow man. Of course, you never short change yourself without justification, and make all "short-cuts" & savings known to the customer, if you want to keep a friend.

Simple, just decide for yourself, what you are willing to do.....outside of Tile & Stone work. Then, when someone asks if you paint, or install light carpentry, you'll know if it's for you.

Money is not the single motivation. It's the knowledge acquired from doing something for the first time. Be methodical/calculated, have faith in yourself, and your creations will be magnificent.

Best of Blessings to You All this Holiday Season. :carols:
Much Respect,

Randy Lofthouse
in brief, I'm looking for diy work to tide me over Xmas too. I can see we are going to get some cracking posts from Randy
well, Faithhealer, I'm what's cracked....:beatdeadhorse5:

(but I promise I won't smoke it!, and if I do...I'll share):conehead::conehead::conehead:.....:46:

Have yourself a ball.

The world belongs to the brave, so I keep telling everyone.
It's obvious I don't need to tell you. Lofty in mind and spirit.

Negativitiy only ever creates negativity, in us and all around us, it's so simple and obvious. Success is about using the will power towards positiveness we have been given - the power over our will, :20:we decide the headspace we are in and we must take responsibility for the results.

Maybe it's too early to talk about multiple universes here....

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Hi Mosiac Girl, I know someone you can talk to. He goes by the name of Spock !

sounds like radio 2's thoughs for the day in a morning... which I also love. Thanks Randy!

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