What you got on next week?

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So I had a tight schedule over the next three days and what bloody happened first day on the job. My van which is only two years old in September broke, the ignition key won't turn to unlock the steering etc 😡, so I can't get to and from job as I'd like. Van is stuck in customers driveway loaded to the gills. I'll have to wait until Wednesday evening and hopefully the job is finished to have it towed to the dealership because all my tools and materials are in the back of it 🙁
It always seems to happen at the worst time dosent it!

Here's a pic of the loaded van hopefully nobody will empty it on me 😱
Got to prime n grip over old well stick vinyl tiles and level the floor in the mornin ready for Tues..never used prime and grip before and been told its a bit splattery using a roller, just been to BnQ for a roller n saw these for painting ceilings with a splash guard on it...hopefully will be better?View attachment 84160

Used it a few weeks ago on a floor prior to self levelling and tiling. I just used a small roller rather than a 9" like you've got there Andy. Wear latex gloves as well.

Once it's dried don't worry that it can scratch off very easily, I was and rang Tilemaster and they said it was fine. They were the leveller right stuck like the proverbial.

I'm on with an on-going project at moment, a purpose built garage for super car storage. I'll post pictures once basement level is complete and we have cars in situ, apparently there will be Ferraris, Lambos and Porsche on this level, can't wait 🙂
Might as well carry on this thread..
I got hall and cloakroom floor Tuesday Wednesday .....latex a kitchen and a kitchen, hall and cloakroom floor to end the week..

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