just a little tip...
set your landline phone to divert calls to your mobile so that you dont miss those jobs!!
i think its £3 per month with bt for the service and you pay for the calls that divert to your mobile. doesnt work out that much a month, but your gteed to answer the majority...
Have you ever had a bossy customer
i have been doing a job this week
he is a right pain keeps asking if ive measured the latex content in the mix etc etc
keeps insisting on using a certain Itialian brand of products
it rymes with wapieeeeeeeeee
dont know what his problem is
Im doing a job for a builder mate of mine, and the customer asked if i could do two more bathrooms and kitchen direct to them and not go through the builder...anyway i explained that as the builder got me there any other work has to go through him, They said dont tell him and i said NO!!! Cheeky...
I know this is not tile related, but i cant believe this guys cheek. As some of you know i do a bit of tree surgery and i have a machine for grinding out tree stumps. I looked at a job a month ago to remove a large tree and the stump, the guy accepted my quote and said could it be done the first...
Did a job today, 3sqm of quarry tiles the customer wanted me to break a few and lay them to match the broken ones in the old floor....I think she thought it was a pattern :stupid:
Been out to look at a job on a 'shower room' which was built into a cupboard space by the customer 10 years ago.
Well where do I start, water damage everywhere, down the walls at the bottom, on the ceiling underneath, and down the wall where the electrics for the lights go!!!!!! Drain has never...
I turned up for work 1st thing this morning, having booked this job into the diary weeks ago. I've had no end of hassle about tile choice, specs, layout etc etc.
I had decided not to buy the tiles for the customer (due to a nagging suspicion that they may not be "good enough") so I had...
doing a bathroom floor today the customer let us in and said they had been to a wedding on sunday and didn't get i till 2am we offered to start tusday so they could get some sleep but he said his mothering law was staying, we started the job and the mothering law and his wife where in the...
With reference to a previous post and I wanted to share this with all.
I went to quote a kitchen floor that had existing 12" vinyl tiles down. The customer said they knew how many tiles they needed as they had counted the number of vinyl tiles and got a few extra.
Beat That :joker:
Most of you lads will know what women get like during the 9 months of hell!
The stages vary from week to week, or in my Mrs's case day to day!
We've had the " I'm so tired" stage, the "my back hurts" stage, the sickness stage, the crying at eastenders stage, the "everythings my husbands...
When potential customers casually ask you if you are busy -
what are they usually trying to find out do you think?
a) If you can get to the job as quick as possible?
b) whether you are credible or not based on how much work you presently have?
c) They are not trying to find out anything -...
:furious3: :huh2: :huh2: :huh2:
We finished a bathroom yesterday (non British nanny and non British worker in the house, customers at work), we got a call today with a complaint the shower rail for the shower head is too high as there six year old can not reach the soap dish the bath room is...
turned up to work this morning to tile a kitchen floor and hallway. walked through the door and all old adhesive was still on the floor. note on the wall said i have been told by someone at work that you can tile straight over it! this is after i went round and told him it all needs to be...
Glad to have your attention. Now I hope you can help me.
I'm after a few tiles made by Elios, called Medittarano Blue. They are 312 mm x 312 mmm in size. The shop I bought them from no longer stocks them, neither do any others in my area. I've even contacted the factory direct in Italy...
I having a real problem with one customer that doesnt seem to undersatand the concept of wasteage. Does anyone have any tips. She has 600 x 300 tiles and wants half bond and cant get her head around the fact im going to have to cut some of her tiles.
Not been tiling very long so I was pleased when i got the thumbs up on a job I recently priced up.
I went a long to the house in question and discussed with the lady what she wanted. It was a kitchen splash back of 5m Sq, she was adamant that it had to be a full tile from the work top and what...
put some slc down at a house last night and the only light wired up was in the kitchen where i was working. went back to tile this morning and when i saw the house in daylight i realised it was a no go. the plasterers finished 2 weeks ago and the plaster hasnt dried out one bit. it was only a...
I got a call on Saturday to give a quote for 8 m2 ceramic in a bathroom. i said 250 as they where wanting it done right away. i arrived on the job today to find the bathroom was a wee bit bigger than what the customer said (26 m2) I phoned the customer to ask them what the was going on but they...
Estimated a kitchen splashback this morning 4 sq m with a bit of prep to do before tiling, and loads and loads of fidly wee cuts , all quite time consuming ,and according to the woman she can't get a tiler anywhere ,and the kitchen has been waiting for 3 months. So I said be about £120 including...
Do any of you have anything for the customer to sign to say they are happy with the price etc before you start any form of work for them ? and also on completion to say they are happy with the work and have to sign once you have been payed, or similar.
Just got me thinking about another thread...