
  1. J

    Mapei Renovation screed over loose wire UFH

    Hi all, first time poster here. last week I laid loose wire UFH on top of cement insulation boards, and then laid mapei renovation screed over the top. I went back today, and all seems well apart from one area that has only just covered the loose wire and the tape that was holding the wire...
  2. U

    Wall Tiles Are Coming Loose

    I've recently drilled a couple of holes in my Mother's bathroom wall tiles to enable me to install a new striplight. Within a couple of days numerous tiles have become loose and a few have even cracked. Would my drilling have caused this? I presume it must have done as it seems too much of a...
  3. D

    Lion loose in Essex.

    Keep your pets in doors Sky News - BREAKING NEWS - Police Investigate 'Lion On The Loose' http://news.sky.com/story/977435/police-investigate-lion-on-the-loose
  4. U

    bathroom floor tiles coming loose

    Hi everyone, I saw a couple of similar posts on this but since my situation is somewhat unique I figured I should start a new thread. I'll keep it short but let me know if you need me to provide any additional information. My girlfriend uses an electric wheelchair. For a few months now the grout...
  5. K

    ufh loose tiles

    HI All, need some advise please. i have had to take my bathroom floor up as many tiles have come loose. The floor was tiled 2 years ago the substrate is chipboard which is rigid , i layed the UFH on top of the chipboard and SLC on top then bedded in tiles as i had height issues. i have 22 mm to...
  6. P

    Bathroom Floor tiles coming loose. Advice Please.

    Hi guys Was hoping I could get some help / advice on whats gone wrong. My bathroom floor is 18mm WBP Ply on top of the floor joists. I put lots of noggins in as well. Once done even with a glass of water on the floor and jumping there was a very slight quiver of the water but you could only...
  7. P

    Durabase mat over warm up loose wire kit

    Hi all, can someone please advise , I have laid my loose wire on top of my wbp ( no room for insulation board), I want to use durabase decoupler on top then tile, do I need to use self levelling compound over the wire first or is it acceptable to lay the durabase straight on top with the...
  8. R

    UFH - Can thick loose wire cable be trimmed?

    Hi guys! Im trying to finish UFH in my toilet, but met two problems. Obviously I cannot shortened loose wire, thats clear. But what about loose wire beggining? Its thick and I have probably at least 1.5m longer wire than it suppouse to be( 1.5m from the gang). The same problem is with the...
  9. K

    Wetroom Floor Tiles are loose and leaking

    Moved into our house about 5 years ago, grout in ground floor wetroom started disintegrating soon after. Now some damp on walls around wetroom apparent, probably caused by water ingress and seepage across membrane to boundaries. We've stopped using it for now, but need to know what is necessary...
  10. I

    Loose wire UFH

    Been fitting a 20 m2 room with this over the past couple of days and the kit came in 2x10 m2 rolls of cable, I would normally use heat mats but this room was such an odd shape that loose wire was the only option. I found it really difficult to gauge how far the cable would go to cover the area...
  11. B

    loose tiles

    We recently had our bath area tiled with large format tiles 30cm x 90cm. We noticed the grout cracking and discovered two of the lower tiles adjoining the bath are hollow sounding which I guess means that they are not attached to the wall anymore. we would like some advice about injecting...
  12. P

    loose porcelain tiles - any advice on how to fix?

    Hi I wonder if someone can help please? We have a porcelain tiled floor in an open-plan kitchen/dining/living area. The tiles have been down now for about 18 months but very soon after the floor was finished, the tiles began to come loose. Having looked at some of the other threads on this...
  13. J

    Repairing loose tiles on Electric UFH

    Hi everyone Just found your site whilst searching for online help with our bathroom tiles - looks like a good forum so I hope someone can help, as I have very little experience laying tiles! We have one or two loose porcelain 300x600mm tiles on our bathroom floor. This was fitted for us 7...
  14. G

    Flooded bathroom and floor tiles are coming loose.

    Hi, My cistern has kindly dispensed a large amount of water under the floor and its gone all the way through to my downstairs neighbour. I thinks the tiles are on woodchip base and they are coming loose. I've been advised by a mate to lift the tiles and then drill some holes in the board to...
  15. S

    Grouting loose tiles with Epoxy grout

    Hi guys, Very grateful for any advice you may have on thsi small job. I'm putting about 6 tiles back on a wall for a friend in a kitchen, as well as putting three or four new ones on of a similar colour. (The tiles were taken off to do some rewiring, though 3-4 can't be put back, and need...
  16. E

    problems with recently laid floor, tiles cracking or working loose

    Hi All I need some advice. We have recently had a large kitchen extension built which involved the knocking though of two rooms and a large new section. Total area is 45m square. The new section has a concrete block and beam floor. In one of the original rooms the existing screed floor was dug...
  17. M

    Adhesive ThicknessFor Warmup loose Wire System.....???

    Hi All I am using the Warmup loose wire system and large ceramic tiles, over Hardy backer board how thick should the bed of adhesive be approx, as in what size notched trowel? Cheers.......:8:
  18. C

    Uheat Loose Wire

    I have a customer who already has a Warm-up thermostat but wants me to supply the heating wire. Is the uheat (DM980) wire compatible with a warm-up thermostat to control it? :thumbsup:
  19. G

    Porcelain floor tiles coming loose

    Hi, I have just joined the forum and am looking for some info. I have bought & had laid (about 3 months ago), some cream B&Q 600 x 600 porcelain tiles. I must admit they looked pretty good. However, I have now noticed that some of the tiles are loose at the corners. When I tap the tiles they are...
  20. F

    where to loose 17.4 cms

    Hi I am looking at where to start tiling my wet room walls with tiles that are 25cm high & have an excess 17.4 cm to loose. My inclination is to have the cut tile at floor level. The alternative as I see it is to cut top & bottom to the same dimensions. Any advice would be greatly received.



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