
  1. D

    Homelux matting adhesive advice

    Hi there, I have been reading through this forum over the past few weeks, very helpful info on here. I just wanted to confirm that I have chosen the right products for my job. I am fitting homelux waterproof matting to walls around my bath before tiling. One wall is brick which is rendered and...
  2. L

    Ditra Heat E

    New here as of today. BTW great forum! I'm joining in from Wisconsin USA. I am looking for a new product called Ditra Heat E it is not available here in the states.... yet. Anyone know where I can buy Ditra Heat E? How much is it and how many meters/square feet are on a roll. Yes I am aware...
  3. D


    anyone know where i can pick up 10 m2 of dural or schluter in glasgow tops were wanting 15 quid a m2 for it with trade.. needing to pick it up as i am using it in a couple of days
  4. E

    Electric UFH, Insulation and Ditra

    Hope someone can help. I'm having my kitchen refurbished and want to install UFH. The current floor looks as though it is tile on tile as, at the hall door threshold, it sits the thickness of a tile plus adhesive proud of the hall flooring. I also suspect that the concrete floor substrate is not...
  5. G

    Ditra on Anhydrite

    So if you were using the Ditra over Anhydrite/Gyvlon type screeds what adhesive would you be using to fix the mat down with ?
  6. B

    Ditra & Rapid Set?

    Can you lay Ditra with Flexi Rapid???? :D
  7. W

    Ditra matting query

    HELP I had a new tiled floor put down in February and have just discovered a pipe has been leaking behind one of my kitchen units. The floor is concrete and the tiler put detra matting down before putting the tiles down. The Insurance Company want to rip the whole lot up but I am wonderingif...
  8. T

    No more ply with ditra

    Hi, Planning to tile my bathroom in the next few weeks, the floor structure is chip board on the new extension size and floor boards on the old part of the bathroom. The floor is solid and I'm planning to put 6mm no more ply glued/screwed down. Do I really need to put Ditra mat down? Part of...
  9. C

    Laying insulation matting under tiles

    I have been asked to lay a rolled insulation matting under tiles in a bathroom with a ply sub floor. The customer has supplied this and I have not used it before. Does anyone know the best way to lay the matting. I was just going to use the same rapid set flexible adhesive that I have for the...
  10. A

    does wet UFH need ditra matting???

    Hi. I have a sand and cement screed (75mm deep) with wet underfloor heating installed. The screed will be 5 weeks old when tiles are planned to go down. The underfloor heating will have been run up to temp and down over the 5th week. I'm currently getting quotes to tile it. I've read that a...
  11. P

    ditra matting

    Hi first post here (but lots of info from the forums thanks) Just had a tiler round to price tilling kitchen and hall approx 65m2 he suggested ditra bat but very expensive looked at dura but similar price 600x600 11mm porc anhydrite screed (spelling?) is there a cheaper version of the mat CHEERS
  12. T

    Ditra mat, how good is it?

    Hi, Just venturing over from the plumbing forums. I'm after some advice about Ditra mat, I went to a tiling shop today for some quotes on tiles and mentioned that I have 2 different floor types (wooden floor boards on old part of house and sand and cement screed on the new extension) and need...
  13. B

    Will it melt the ditra?

    hi all......... i know the correct procedure is ufh under ditra matting, but there are tilers out there who prefer installing the other way round, ufh over ditra. Would there not be a risk of the ufh melting the ditra. lets say the control box or probe is faulty or hasn't been installed...
  14. M

    Insulation board or Dtra matting on new sand/cement screed

    Hi Guys, my coservatory is going to be screeded on tuesday to a depth of 4inches, my plan was to leave it for one month, then prime twice, install 10mm insulation board on flexible adhesive, lay UFH wire, Latex, then tile....... Does this sound like the best way to go to you pro's? someone...
  15. G

    Ditra matting and underfloor heating help

    Hi everyone, I've gone to see a job where the customer wants to use Schluter Ditra matting along with Warm Up UFH matting. The substrate is 18mm marine ply which is good news. What is the correct method for installing the ditra with the UFH and does ditra matting act as an insulation barrier...
  16. M

    Ditra Matting

    Hi guys. I have recently been reading your Q&A's on this forum and i have stumbled across a few posts about 'ditra matting', which i have never heard of before. What are the benfits from using ditra, and in what circumstances do you need to use it? Is it a replacement for Marine Ply? I have...
  17. B

    Expansion joints and ditra matting

    Me again..... 1) Could someone please point me to any links about expansion joints 2) Also, does anyone have any comments on tiling onto plywood overlaid with ditra matting (floor obviously)? I've done this a few times without any come backs...... Am just interested in any observations. Thanks.
  18. T

    tiling onto ditra mat

    hi all, im laying ditra mat on a floor ready to tile onto, any advice on the tiling side of it, havnt tiled onto ditra mat before, is it going to be a ball ache doing the cut tiles round the edges, im imagining the little squares getting clogged with ady, am i worrying for no reason?
  19. P

    Schluter-DITRA Matting

    If anyone knows of any deals on this matting please let me know (30m rolls) I,m seriously considering yet more expense and opting for this. 3 Rolls should do. Also a good "glue" to stick it down, one that will hold to a Anhydrite floor:thumbsup:
  20. M

    dittra matting kerdi band

    hi everyone and happy new year. this is my first time using dittra matting. its a kitchen floor with water ufh. my question is does everyone use the kerdi band to seal joints between every dittra course or just lay them side by side. thanks.



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