
  1. P

    Help required price for tiling swimming pool in mosaics

    Hi People, Can you give me ideas as to what to charge to tile the inside off a swimming pool please? The pool is new so no removal of old tiles! The pool is a flat bottom pool with a level deck the tiles are mosaic 25mm using the joint point backing, sheet size is 312x495mm area is 100m2 area...
  2. L

    Swimming pool

    One for Dave at diamond pool finishers Popped into local swimming baths tonight (girls were doing lessons) and bit of a drama, one lane was closed, apparently the tiles have come loose/up and all I could see was some sort of tarpaulin covering the area where the tiles were. The duty manager...
  3. D

    Pic's of the swimming pool tiling

    we are renovating in somerset we have removed the old mosaic back to the adhesive and are skimming to give us a better sub-straight to tile on to, the lad in the pics is my new lad of three days, Mr t this could of been you if you would get on your bike mate .......lol:thumbsup:
  4. S

    Pool coping tiles

    Anyone know of a decent supplier for these? My local builders merchants still seem too pricy :-/
  5. D

    pool renovation

    Been to weston super mare today to see a very expensive Swimming pool in need of renovation , looks like a good -job if we can land-it....Fingers Crossed lol .
  6. M

    Re grouting a swimming pool

    This is my first proper post not sure if it's in the right place but here it goes I've decided to swallow my pride and ask everyone's opinion as a few minds is better than one I've been asked to price up 55 metres of pool mosaic regrouting yes I get all the rubbish jobs !! And I'm preparing...
  7. D

    Going to look at a swimming pool

    Tuesday that apparently the grout and adhesive has gone soft !!! What do you think could be the reasons ?? for this then ???:thumbsup:
  8. D

    Swimming pool to tile

    In the cotswolds in December !! and it's outdoor's , but under a tent, good job i own a hot air blower :thumbsup: i'am going to need -it me think's :lol:
  9. D

    Want a Swimming pool then ?

    Why you don't need to be swimming in cash to install a pool at home | Mail Online Have a read :thumbsup: Nice to come home to !! or have A beer in ......:lol:
  10. D

    European swimming pool Awards

    Lol i see we were very popular :smilewinkgrin:. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.658254260876189.1073741826.263292727039013&type=1 some nice pool :thumbsup:
  11. D

    swimming pool build !!

    Today my Daughter took me to one of her sale's ( She sell's double glazing and conservatory's ), well this very-nice couple in Cardiff are having her company in to build the conservatory ,But they have not got a pool building company on board yet :hurray::hurray::hurray: Me me me, so i'am...
  12. D

    Insulated Swimming Pool by Diamond Pool Finishers

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czxAf-7QZLs :thumbsup: THIS IS A SUPER INSULATED SWIMMING POOL BY DPF, it will half the running cost of this old pool if not more ,please take a look :thumbsup:
  13. P

    mosaic tiling to swimming pool

    Hi, Tiling swimming pool tomorrow and the client has quite rightly stated that they want no visible sheet lines so im adamant that we should stagger the sheets to best hide any variances and my partners adamant that we don't need to and should just keep laying in uniform runs. I've laid...
  14. L

    Tiling an outside pool

    Not really a pool its a 3m by 2m and Im deep water feature built from block my job is to render it and tile it with mosaics, done pools before in Spain but my problem is the weather even covered up I cant see the render drying out enough to tile it and obviously needs to be done before any...
  15. D

    Swimming pool tiling film !!

  16. D

    Pictures of the swimming pool i 'am working on ....

    . Here are a few pic's of the over-tile on a swimming pool in Wiltshire i started thursday, i acid -washed the Gray tiled pool on thursday , then yesterday started to fix the mosaic tile the guy had selected from -us, The pool building is fantastic with designer kitchen ,gym, sauna/ steam rooms...
  17. D

    Swimming Pool & Sports Hall, Royal Grammar School, Newcastle.

    These peeps contacted me about this job ,unfortunately due to work commitments i will not be available ...... but here are there details if anyone is interested in this work :thumbsup: VINCI CONSTRUCTION UK LIMITED Moor Lane East Boldon Tyne & Wear NE36 0AG Direct: 0191 536 7207 Fax: 0191 519...
  18. D

    Swimming pool Renovation i started friday , pic's

    In the cotswolds , near Cheltenham a few pics,loverly Gardens to sit and have tea-breaks,by the pond , its an over-tile they are not having any new coping stones, which is a shame and the paving could do with re-laying ,the pool house at the bottom has microwave ,fridge, tea/coffee...
  19. D

    Started mosaic tiling a new pool today

    In cheltenham , outdoor greek/roman key white all over, apart from demarcation lines around the perimeter / steps and shallow end, it's a beautiful garden to work in with an ornamental pond :thumbsup: i will work on saturday ! not sure if i fancy sunday yet lol, my bed may beckon me . Oh Ardex...
  20. D

    Finished a pool today !

    In the Malvern's , i will do a little film for you-tube,and the forum later, my next pool is also outside in Cheltenham ! to start on friday , :thumbsup:



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