I'm new to the forum (and tiling / bathrooms) and appreciate the many threads that I have been learning from. If anyone had a moment to comment on the tanking and drain plan for my new attic wetroom I would be very grateful. I'm doing all the work myself, learning as I go. I'm most...
Hi folks, I have been doing a lot of research as to which is the best tanking product to use on our shower walls prior to tiling.
The walls are currently made up of prowarm 12mm cement board and there is a 900x900 quad stone resin tray on the floor which I want to tape and seal to the wall...
Hi All,
I'm a newbie member building an ensuite, the three shower walls are aquapanel on studs (300mm centres, 3 rows of noggins, 2.3m high). I've taped and filled the joints with mapei keraquick.
I had intended to tank this using the Mapei tanking kit. I used the kit 10 years ago in our main...
Hi everyone
Quick question, I'm about to tank the walls in my bathroom, around the bath / shower area, they are skimmed plasterboard, and I was planning to use ultra tilefix proshield tanking kit, as it states it doesn't require primer, thus I believe making it quicker to complete the task. My...
I just renovated my en-suit and am left with the following items:
1. 2.6-meter tanking tap
2. Waterproof tanking primer – see arrow for quantity left
3. Waterproof tanking membrane - see arrow for quantity left
4. Weber PR360 styrene acrylate primer- about half left
I can accept £20 or near...
I have a ground floor bathroom with a concrete floor with no DPM sheet (was an old coal outhouse that's been bolted onto the Victorian house via a short walkway). Two external walls approximately 3m x 1.2m
I've dug the outside ground level deeper than the inside level, sorted new guttering and...
Please help. I’m about to tile a small two-sided shower area, 2.5m high and width 1.2m one way and 2m the other. Tiles are conventional ceramic
Substrate is 6mm Hardie Board glued and screwed onto original plywood to one side and plasterboard to the other.
Hardie recommend using their fibatape...
Please help - I put down plywood and tanked it with a Mapi tanking kit, I painted the liquid all over the floor. We then decided we'd put down a heat mat so we need to put down Marmox insulation tiles. I have the insulation all cut out and have started to screw it down - the screws (with large...
I'm thinking about this more and more lately, I can get codex hydrostop at a stupid price ( which is like ditra Kerdi membrane ) now when tanking a shower area rather than messing about with liquids why not just put this sheet up . Even if you use Jackoboard rather than mess about with sealing...
Hello people. Been up to the eyes with life, but finally managed to progress my (now 6m long!) wetroom project.
All tanked ready to go, but wondering which way you pro’s would set out this tray. 315 square tiles, and with one sitting dead centre on the tray, hard against the front edge of the...
HI There, im about to layout Jackoboard panels and wetroom shower tray on my bathroom floor, whilst the floor is up im going to take up the uneven and gappy 100yr old floor boards and lay a new subfloor new. Question is, should i use standard flooring chip board, standard 18mm Ply or 18mm...
Hey all, first post, first time tiler...
Throwing myself into the deep end, I'm about to rip out my old bath and replace it with a shower to fit the alcove (1800x800) I've currently got horrible white contractor's tiles from the ceiling to the bath edge, so first question: Do i tile or go...
What do you pros on here use most then?
Ragrdless of customers budget and you choose msterials
Xps foam.boards like jackoboard,marmox weidi etc
Cement boards lile hardie, no.more ply etc with tanking where applicable
Plasterboard just to throw it in there.tanking where needs be.
I'm a DIY'er refitting a bathroom and en-suite and with 2 showers to tank/waterproof.
One I plan to line with 12mm hardiebacker, and it also includes a preformed Schluter niche.
The second will be lined with MR plasterboard dot and dabbed to brick walls, so I don't believe concrete board is an...
Hi there,
I’ve seen the thread about backer boards water proof vs water resistant etc.
We were going to use aquapanel and tank with ever build aqua seal tanking kit which comes with primer etc.
However, the merchant had nomoreply instead.
I’ve checked this and they seem to require us to prime...
Hi folks. DIY job here. Trying to decide on the makeup of materials for my wetroom before buying any stuff. Tiles are bought but nothing else.
Would appreciate any comments on my choices below particularly in relation to waterproofing.
I started out looking at the Schluter linear drains which...
We had our bathroom completely re-done last November. We hadn’t even started to use the shower before the grout (Mapei) had started to crack in the shower area. The tiles in the dry area have also cracked and move now.
This is an AKW tough form (fitted straight into the joists with extra...
Hi all,
Just seeking advice on wet area joints in hardibacker.
In a "dry" area I would normally fibatape then skim with addy.
Should i still do this and then tanking tape and then tank membrane over all?
Will this be a bit thick at the joints?
Or is it OK to just use tanking tape over joints in...
I am going to be using norcros wet seal tanking kit i havent used this brand before how long after applying before i can tile on it,
I have seen mentioned from touch dry to 24 hours anyone use this can give me a idea thanks