tile backer

  1. W

    Lightweight Foam Tile backer boards. Long thread titles are a wonderful thing.

    Following on from the thread I posted yesterday about these foam boards, it got me thinking about the installation of these boards. I was quite surprised to find out that some companies recommend purely screwing these boards down when overboarding a suspended timber floor. No adhesive. I...
  2. W

    Foam Tile Backer Board Experiment.

    Some of you might remember the tile backer board experiment I started a few weeks ago. It consisted of a thin piece of board inserted into a bottle of water to see if the cement broke down or changed shape in any way or if the bond between foam/cement came away. There was no change at all in...
  3. I

    Tile backer for wooden and concrete floor

    Hi there, my situation is this.... I want to lay quartz sparkle floor tiles onto part suspended timber uninsulated floor t&g boards, part uninsulated concrete. Can have maximum overall floor rise by about 30mm. Decision, what backer boards to use? Is 6mm ok to use on old timber floor, with...
  4. Mouldy

    Tile backer board prices and options

    Hi guys, I'm in need of around 50m of board to line some of the interior of an endless pool project. Have got a price out of Nicobond, (their version of Lux Elements 12mm), but was wondering if I could get a better price elsewhere. Open to options in material and merchant. Cheers. Mouldy
  5. B

    Wet Room Tile Backer board

    Hi, (first post so be kind!), I am a competent DIY'er and have done numerous kitchen and bathrooms refurbishments in my time, but the boss now wants a wet room!! typical! I wonder if I could pick your brains and experience on recommendations of tile backer board systems. There appears to be...
  6. G

    Tile backer board joints.

    In a new wet room there will be many butt joints in the tile backer board/ insulation board on the walls & the floor. I plan to use expensive self adhesive waterproof tape around the shower former. However to use this tape everywhere would be very expensive so could I use self adhesive scrim...
  7. P

    Tile backer boards onto Thermalites

    Hi, Just wondering the correct procedure for fixing 12mm cement backer boards onto Thermalite blocks (assuming this is acceptable) . I'm thinking glue and screw using cement based adhesive?
  8. J

    Tile backer board under the shower tray or upto the tray? And shower tray installation method?

    hello The floor is 18mm WBP Ply fixed to the floor joists. Is it best to fit the hardie backer board over the whole floor, and then fit the shower tray onto the backer board, or fit the tray onto the ply floor then butt the backer board upto the edge of the tray? Also, the tray instructions...
  9. M

    Anyone use ProWarm BACKER-PRO Tile Backer Board

    Hi All For my own sanity need to clarify that ProWarm BACKER-PRO Tile Backer Board 10mm is as suitable as hardibacker board. After using hardie over wooden floors for the last few years I have run out of patience for it now. Its a great product but I find it messy, costly and time consuming...
  10. A

    What Tile Backer Over Dry Screed?

    Hello all, I'd really appreciate some expert advice about what type of backer boards I should use for my bathroom floors. The original floor is 20mm ply glued & screwed to metal web joists. On top of that we've fixed 25 x 50mm battens (at 400mm centres) & in-between the battens we've got UFH...
  11. L

    Coated Tile Backer Boards Under Investigaion

    Chinese tile backer boards found to contain banned substances A range of Chinese manufactured tile backer boards and wetroom shower trays are under investigation by the Environment Agency for being manufactured using banned substances. The products look similar to the leading WEDI, JACKOBOARD...
  12. Sean Kelly

    Grab yourself a bargain tile backer board X 1 ( 620mm x 870mm x 17mm)

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/tile-backer-board-X-1-620mm-x-870mm-x-17mm-Depth-From-Topps-Tiles-/181685307831?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2a4d49c9b7 ................looks more like an off cut of chipboard to me.
  13. J

    Tanking floor - ply, liquid membrane, tile backer?

    What's wrong with this following system that I can't help considering? - I'm starting with recently laid solid and level 18mm wbp over suspended timber floor joists which comprises a bathroom floor. This ply replaced floor boards in bad condition. Area about 4 sq m - A shower tray former if...
  14. K

    Tile backer board

    Hi all.. I'm putting in tile backer board for my wet rooms and purchased the thin silver screws with it but my question is to the experienced can you use drywall screws to hang the backer board up with instead of these self tapping type screws. its no more ply I'm using... Thanks in...
  15. J

    Tile backer boards

    Has anybody used these before? Tile Backer Board 10mm Insulation Board Special Offer 5055538907272 | eBay Seems like good price and you don't have to purchase a minimum order like a lot of sites.
  16. J

    Acrylic Primer Mix Ratio for Screed Floor / Tile Backer Board

    Hi, As a (reasonably competent!) DIY'er undertaking a complete home renovation, I've found this forum invaluable for picking up advice from the experts. However, I've come up against a minor problem that I can't find an existing answer to and should be very grateful for your words of wisdom: I'm...
  17. judge

    tile backer boards

    evening,im after 40m2 of cement board for kitchen floor.Anyone know of a good deal at moment:smilewinkgrin:
  18. M

    Thistle BondIt and tile backer boards

    Hi, Just getting to the stage before tiling in one of my bathrooms. I'm fitting tile backer boards to a full wall and half of the adjoining wall to where a 1200x800 shower will go. The walas are concrete block and have had Thistle bondit applied (the green sandy gluey paint), then a bonding...
  19. M

    Tile backer boards for sale

    I HAVE 50 CEMENT TILE BACKER BOARDS FOR SALE AT £8 EACH OR ALL 50 FOR £380 1200mm x 600mm x 6mm can deliver for a small fee or pick up available
  20. G

    Tile backer advice please

    Hi All, I'm renovating my bathroom and tiling the bath / shower area in 12mm 30.5cm x 30.5cm marble tiles. The end wall will be fully tiled. Another two walls will be partially tiled (from the bath to a door on one side and a window on the other) I've removed the old tiles which came off...



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