yes spent the day mixing and applying sovereign K11 ,to the walls of an outdoor pool that i have rendered /screeded , the rain held -off enough !, floor tomorrow, then i'am off to see my son's ship in Plymouth for a couple of days :thumbsup:
Yes thats proper sand& cement screeding out in the sunshine and finished the big floor of the pool, next is tanking it all over with K11 :thumbsup: i will do this on tuesday and have monday-off as i have worked all weekend ,anyone else working ??:hurray:
for first time very impressed its alot bigger alot stronger alot brighter excellent machine also put it up against the hiti and bosch models which the lads had on the site held its own comfortably;id say it was the best model but then im biased ;very happy with it recommend it to any tilers out...
Very sad thing today the solider attacked and killed in London today I have two son in laws in the armed forces and always fear something bad could happen when they on tour , but never something like this . RIP that solider
so am looking at the hilti range and they are expensive are they worth the price or would i be better getting another dewalt: it seems allthe tradesmen on the sites here in france use hilti any one any experience of using the two
It's 7.15am.
Sunday 12th May.
The sun is shining !
Its my Daughters Birthday.
We are planning a BBQ .
Fingers crossed hope it stays nice for this afternoon.
Got the tarpaulin at the ready!
Hope everyone has a lovely day.
And it was very nice MR & MRS knopfler are so please with the pool tiling that they would like to invite us to marks concert in Cardiff as VIP guests this month :thumbsup: i'am so chuffed :hurray:
in the pool at Stroud , scratch coated all the walls on my own ! had the digger drop sand/cement in the pool and mixed-up on my own and spread on my own , well with radio 2 and plenty of drinks it's been very hot there today !:thumbsup:
I've been dragged to dunelm curtain and bed sheet shopping !!!
back in the house now and I've made guacamole and prepping my new terracotta pizza stone. Homemade pizzas coming up soon!!!
heres the guac, it's delicious, better than that stuff in a squeezy tub!
Got a small porch floor to blitz... then over to PHG's new showroom to lay some display floors..
Also got a new handle for my Sigma 3bk, going to try a pull handle on it as i like the smaller foot on this handle and after tests it is very good for taking small cut offs from hard tiles, where...
Have you been hit with the new higher rate of tax or just benefit from the higher amount you can earn before tax like most of us..
Said changes are below :::::
Popped over to Liverpool today and bought Ed's (AstonTiling) TX700 for a mate of mine. 2 hours later we're still sat in his kitchen drinking tea and putting the tiling world to rights! Cheers Ed, nice to meet you and my mate will be well chuffed with the cutter, cracking price too! Thanks pal...
My ipone died today, well i thought it had..It turned itself off and i could not turn it back on.:mad2: So i got on google to find local phone repair shop. i gave them a call and told them what had happened & the guy said hold the top and button on the face for 2o seconds and it came back on...
Fed Up today one of those days where you hate tiling nothing as nothing went right and felt I was going backward , we all have them from time to time I didnt even have a tile stuck by 11.30 and every cut I did I ended up doing twice as the first attempt was just not good enough , hope tommorow...
My son said yesterday that he wasn't buying into the commercial marketing of Mothers Day and why isn't there a Son's Day!
I told him that the shed at the bottom of the garden was cold at this time of the year ( even up here in the sunny NE) and this morning he had a bunch of flowers for his...