
  1. P

    Done a bit of Labouring today!!!!!!!

    I got asked if I would like to help out on a job in N.London......and because of the bloke who asked me.....How could I refuse!!!!!!! Anyway, I embraced the Olympic lanes and set off to “nose bleed” territory....... Anyway the floor was Ditra’d and we were fixing 1200x600’s.......nice...
  2. Dan

    What are you all up to today? (Sunday)

    I'm off to a wedding. Nice sunday lunch (7 courses I think!). Seems to be sunny so hopefully this will hold off for the rest of the day. What are you guys up to? Is it sunny where you are?
  3. P

    Look who I met today!!!!

    here is a bit of light relief!!!!!!!!......... look who I bumped into today........the man is a legend!!!! we had a quick chat and I had to ask for a photo (being a fan of moaning!)............ sweet!
  4. P

    Went to finish up in Mayfair today....

    heres my bit: and then there is the rest: I have seen it in the flesh...........Lovely........but I am a little bias! best wishes Lee.
  5. D

    Had a great day today !

    it was my Daughter AIMEE'S graduation today at swansea university, we have spent the day with her,then attended a champagne /canapés reception ,after her graduation ,then this evening we treated her to a family meal out, some days life feel real-good .......:thumbsup: all you guys with young...
  6. D

    i went to this place today

    Amaris Granite and Marble :: Kitchens and Bathrooms The wife took me there to look for a piece of marble/granite for our wet room 1.4 long x 33cm wide with a bullnose front edge,and a couple of holes for tap,wast they quoted me £375.00 ,this seems a bit dear to me ? any of you lads might know...
  7. P

    Off to the doctors today

    Just finished a job, that I used 35kg kerapoxy grout. I was careful, and wore rubber gloves, read the saftey sheet, and if I got any on my uncovered parts, I washed it off straight away. Well yesterday I started to ictch a bit here and there, and this morning I have a swollen eye, rash all up my...
  8. D

    Off out to Barford raceway today..

    Sun's out and off out to Barford races...
  9. D

    Its my wedding anniversary today

    25 years silver wedding just watched it all again on DVD, how young did i look ,and how beautiful my wife was on the day ,and my i add still is !!:hurray:
  10. I

    Landed a nice job today

    Went to look at a job this morning in Nottingham, ultra modern house built in 2008 and a lot of the tiling has failed. Outdoor step, 4 balconies, some heated floors and grout haze all over the place. Some new tiling to be done in grade 5 800x800s, I thought to myself, 'a Sigma 3dm would be...
  11. A

    The football transfer window opens today!

    so, it the 1st july 2012 and the new football transfer window opens again! any news on your team? rumours ? definate targets? deal about to be done?? sylfi sigurdsson was meant to be going to liverpool but the rumour mill suggests he' going to spurs now. us liverpool fans ar'nt as optomistic...
  12. Andy Allen

    what we all up to today?

    any one working? got the day off? im off to tetbury to watch the wool sack race, a bunch of fit young men (with tilers knees) race each other, carring a sack of wool up a very steep hill in the center of tetbury, a tradition that dates back hundreds of years, theres allso other things going on...
  13. D

    Dan is 30 today , yes 30 I say

    Happy birthday Dan. Wow one is knocking on now, Hope you have a great day. Dave&Debs.
  14. B

    Look what I found today

    In the middle of a renovation & thought I'd start on removing the tiles on the bathroom floor to check substrate. There was one cracked tile behind the toilet so customer wants to replace the floor. After lifting a few & noticed how they were put down, I was in knots! Brown Silicon. Can't beat...
  15. M

    Got the approval for a interesting job today

    So today I get approval for a job. Its only 15m2 and it's not going to be done until end of October, but I am so excited by it as it is IMO the most interesting and yet challenging job yet. So a new concrete floor is going to be laid with white aggregate then we are going to give it time to dry...
  16. Dan

    TTA Awards Dinner raises thousands for Children Today

    Children Today Charitable Trust is The Tile Association’s nominated charity for 2012. Since 2010, donations and pledges from attendees at the TTA Awards Dinner have raised over £20,000 for this very worthwhile charity and donations are still coming in. Click here for the full article.. RSS feed...
  17. Sean Kelly

    I broke a tile today.

    I broke a tile today. So what, I hear you ask! The tile was 3m x1m :yikes:. It sort of took off in the wind when I tried to take it out of the crate. It's called Techlam and it comes in 3mx1m sheets. The Youtube video claims it is light, strong, flexible, easy to cut bla bla bla. In my...
  18. D

    Plans for today?

    Hopefully I'm going to go and give caravan a service today in readiness for the "soon upon us" caravanning season. What's your plans for today?
  19. I

    so, i go to start this new bathroom today and !!!

    only to find the tiles had been put up with dot and dab Silicon, in a lot of places and the grout was all WHITE Silicon !!!!:yikes: oh and the walls were made from compressed straw. !
  20. M

    wembley today

    big game on today, who are you all cheering for? i bet rob and stew have got their cardiff shirts all ready :smilewinkgrin:



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