
  1. G

    30 years ago today

    Bob Marley died.
  2. E

    Bit of a Dilemma today.

    Finishing a job today and the customer told me no one will be at home. Then at around 12.30pm her 16yo daughter comes home from school feeling ill. So that means just me and her in the house. I did not feel happy about this, and phoned the guy i was working for and explained the situation. He...
  3. E

    What have you been doing today.

    I was meant to be working today but im waiting on some glass mosaic border tiles that were meant to be delivered on thursday and are not coming to wed next week :mad2: from Topps tiles. And the customer is not sure if she wants 2 or 3 or 4 as a border so i can not continue tiling...So i took my...
  4. D

    Hotter than Benidorm today

    So who is being sad and sitting inside with the laptop or pc? Or who is so technologically advanced that they can sit outside enjoying the sun and surfing the best tilers forum on the net? :hurray:
  5. D

    Uheat - Keith's Birthday is TODAY!

    :happybday: Keith don't have too many tonight :8:
  6. B

    Look what arrived in the post today :D

  7. U

    Rob's - Colour Republic's Birthday today, too!!!

    God, how could I have forgotten today, so so sorry, Rob!! It's your birthday, too, we share the same birthday, don't we!!! :hurray::hurray::hurray:Both geniuses obviously.. :lol: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROB :5::5::17::party::happybday:
  8. D

    Cornish Crofter - Birthday today!

    :happybday: CC hope you have a lovely birthday :thumbsup:
  9. S

    Fed up today

    fed up today, got the hump tiled a porcelain bathroom and am not happy with the detail around the mirror , cant get it out of my head and want to go back tomorrow and chop out the tiles and redo them, cant get there tomorrow or Saturday so will have to go in on Sunday to alter it :mad2: on the...
  10. D

    MY Friend died today, gutted.

    I was doing a re-grout and using the Fein and my henry hoover.. About half hr went by, solid grout raking and hoover sucking... i smelt a burning smell and thought hey up!.. and then all of a sudden my son jumps up as his bum was a bit warm.. Henry just about caught fire and was smoking more...
  11. D

    It's Bri's Birthday today..

    All the best Bri mate and have a nice day.. :8:
  12. G

    Found a mouse under a radiator today

    Is it dead ????
  13. U

    TF loading sooooooo slooooowwwww today!?

    Anyone else struggling to be on here today? Just past 2pm now, and it's been deadly slow to load today, other websites seem ok...
  14. D

    Travis Perkins came up trumps today

    Called in at TP on my way past today to get a price for some 5 x 2 joists for my decking subframe I needed 60 linear metres and they were £100 cheaper than Jewsons:thumbsup: I said right, I'll pay for it now and go home and get my trailer, "no need Doug, we've got a wagon doing nowt, we'll load...
  15. E

    Got a call from the Police today.

    My wife and i went to Cheltenham on 4th-5th feb as it was my birthday....Got home tonight and got a call from Cheltenham CID and a guy was murdered behind our hotel the night we were there!!!:yikes: So we were asked a few questions etc. The guy was 36, nice guy by all accounts, and the only...
  16. C

    Stag Do Today

    Off on a stag do today, all starting with paintballing. Poor bloke is gonna get battered, I have a feeling he's not gonna be able to walk before he's even had a drink! See if I can get some pics for you all to have a laugh at!
  17. D

    we were working away today

    this guy comes in and starts asking about pools, it turns out he took a look at are work in progress ,and he wants us to now tile a new pool he is having built at his home, here in scotland in the next few months!!! result :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
  18. D

    we laid the swimming pool floor today

    well i did and tom mixed/labour Caribbean blend mosaics, and the builders sprung a Dolphin on me , so we put it down as goodwill,we have to grout tomoz and set up the overflow channel ready to receive the surround tiles :thumbsup:
  19. T

    Popped into a new tile shop today

    hello everyone, stuck my head into a tile shop thats just changed hands to see what they were all about. the bloke behind the counters got some sticky in that he says is "trade mapei", "its exactly the same stuff just in a crappy bag" (and half the price!). anyone ever used...
  20. E

    Bit warmer today...

    Had a lovely walk this afternoon while the girls rode their ponies..could go out on the roads today as the ice has all gone. :thumbsup:



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