
  1. Andy Allen

    walked off a job today...

    i was doing a bathroom today for a plumber, ive done work for him before and hes been fine, however turned up this morning and this is what he wanted me to tile on....... the tiles are large format ceramic 500x300, he rang me yesterday to tell me all the prep was done ready for tiling....yeh...
  2. N

    job i should have started today

    well the job i was starting to day is not ready, there son in law who is a plasterer has prepped the walls , but not as i told him to , removed all the plaster back to brick work re-board dot and dab , which he as done , then he decided to skim them all , he told them it would be better to tile...
  3. M

    who's working today?

    i'm off today, getting the train to liverpool at half 8 with some mates, on the lash then off to the football, wish us luck (especially rob and stewart) :lol::lol:
  4. M

    who's rough today?

    how's everyone feeling today? i'm surprisingly okay, i've just had a cold (ish) shower to freshen up and we're just off to a local beach where some people (nutters) are doing a charity dip in the freezing irish sea. :yikes:
  5. E

    I had a floater today.

    Had a call on monday could i tile a conservatory floor before christmas. Customer said builder had got it already for tiling, she had the tiles all i had to do was supply addy & grout. Turned up at 7.30am to start and it was a floating floor :mad2: More bounce than a rubber ball. I explained to...
  6. E

    My job today.

    Tiling a floor today at an Architects own house who i do a bit of work for and he has porcelain floor tiles with a 2mm limestone veneer stuck onto them. Never seen these before, they look quite good. Has anybody used these before or seen them. :thumbsup:
  7. tommyzooom

    Have you opened your advent calender today???

  8. Dan

    What's on the agenda today then lads and ladies?

    What's on the agenda today then lads and ladies?
  9. M

    spotted this on site today

    saw this on site today and thought it was hilarious. Is it just me?
  10. D

    caught this today while out fishing

    no salmon, but this has made my season!! wild otters that haven't been seen on my river for decades, this one actually ran over my foot:hurray::hurray:
  11. G

    Today I bought a Rubi!

    Went to exhibition CTD put on at Hampden this afternoon came away with loadsa a freebies & samples & shock horror got a cracking deal on a Rubi grinder including there new blade they claim is as good as a Marcrist, soon see. Lots of good demos etc icluding the Universeal guys who did us a good...
  12. D

    Strummerman gets married today.

    Well my bruv gets hanged today...:smilewinkgrin: This is a song from him to his darling wife.. ( we hope)// from your little bruv..
  13. D

    Dinner today was ?

    sugar-puff's:thumbsup: wife/son out and a mug of tea in a minute with the loose women!!:lol: on telly's that is lol
  14. M

    who's working today?

    what's everyone up to today? i've just started laying a 8m by 5m wood decking, the weathers not too good and i got to be finished by midweek as a crane's booked to lift the hot tub on the new deck. no it's not mine, i wish :prrr:
  15. D

    i had an enquiry today

    from a guy in cambridge , it sound's like his tiler's have tiled over an expansion joint in the pool shell,and the shell has had movement and it is affecting his tile installation , and he was asking if there was anything we could do for him, so we have given him the option's he has, it never...
  16. Andy Allen

    i made a new friend today.

    customers doggy, and hes huge.....weighs 15 stone and i must say when i first met him a scared the pants off me, but after spending the day with him his just a big softy......... and before you ask, no there wasn't a barrel of rum round his neck..:lol: (although i did check)..
  17. U

    BBC 2 9pm, today - Scarborough

    If anyone's curious, Scarborough will be covered tonight by BBC2 at 9pm, some town programme, I hear it was filmed in the midst of winter, and I hope they will be nice about this lovely town I live in :)
  18. tommyzooom

    I got a fit of the giggles today

    Picture the scene, I'm tiling the hall floor, two carpenters are here too, they have what I would call "hop-ups" for their tools etc. So Paddy comes to the bottom of the stairs and shouts up to Mick, Mick, have you got any rawlplugs in your stool? :yikes::yikes: childish I know but brightened...
  19. U

    It's Alby (Shellshear)'s Birthday today:-)

    Happy Birthday Alby, be well and pop by everynow and then - the tunes thread needs you! :)
  20. D

    2 Birthdays today.

    ‎poynton phil ‎(51) ‎Tommy_S ‎(27)



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