
  1. R


    Recently bought a well known make of washboy (red one, R**i)used it today and i'm seriously unimpressed with it, for the life of me i couldn't squeeze as much water out of it as i wanted ( i was using it correctly) and if you need to carry it anywhere when its got water in it filled to the...
  2. L

    Is a washboy suitable for wall cleaning?

    I am in the process of tiling my bathroom walls (only), please can you tell me if it is worth investing in a washboy, and if they are suitable for walls? I have another couple of DIY projects where it may be used (again for walls), but I just wondered about suitability, because these items...
  3. D

    Washboy virgin

    Just bought my 1st washboy a Karl Dahm, never used one before so anyone got any useful tips for using a washboy that might stop me mucking up when using it. Cheers Ian
  4. H


    about to purchase a new washboy,like the look of the karl damn express2 model, anyone use this and love it?? tradetiler seems to stock it ? correct? or where did you purchase it?? thanks,
  5. M

    Tile Town Washboy

    has anyone had any experience of the tile town washboy system? worth £34 or am i best putting the money into a different one? sponges ok quality?
  6. D

    Wonder of the WashBoy

    Had a few quid spare in my ebay account and picked up one of those WashBoy packs (the one with the large WashBoy, nibblers, trowel etc for just £35ish) First time I used the WashBoy and it's brilliant! Wish I'd used them a long time ago. Whole walls done in seconds, no mess on tiles, no ringing...
  7. K

    TS60 Plus and Washboy for sale

    Hello everyone, I am only occassionally doing tiling now and so have decided to let my Rubi TS60 plus and Rubi Washboy go. Was thinking of say £125 for the TS and say 30 quid for the washboy? Anyone interested? You can collect if you want to save on postage!! Neil (bath)
  8. K

    where can i get a washboy in glasgow

    Hi folks, I am in desperate need of a washboy. where is the best place in Glasgow to get one and what make would you recommend. I have been looking at the Karl dham or rubi, is this a good idea or would you recommend another type. Thanx:huh2:
  9. P

    Baby washboy

    Forgot my Washboy today so popped into the Topps that was around the corner from the job to grab some extra sponges. Had the little Virtex washboys there (£16 trade), tiny little things. Thought sod it and bought one, bloody hell i am well impressed, did a fantasic finish. Gonna be using it on...
  10. D

    What make of washboy.?

    Just thought i would see what make of washboy most members use.... If your make is not on the poll ..let me know and i,ll add it to poll.........
  11. T

    Need to buy a Karl Dahm Washboy in Manchester before Tuesday

    Ive got a floor to do on tuesday and i need a washboy., dont think ill be able to get it posted in time. does anyone know any tile shops that sell the karl dahm washboy. Ive tried CTD and i knpw Topps dont do them
  12. C


    as above, state your reasons thanks
  13. B

    Re: Washboy?

    What exactly is the theory behind a washboy,this site is the first time I've heard of one.I can see the grout sinking to the bottom,but I can't see it keeping the water clean for any extraordinary amount of time,are they popular in England? Mike
  14. C

    Washboy Question

    Hi To Everyone,got A Question For You All,has Anyone Bought One Of Those Mirak Washboys On Ebay And Are They Worth A Go?? I Know I Should Probably Go For A Karl Dahm But I Wouldnt Mind Saving A Few Quid At The Moment,any Ideas Would Be Greatly Taken< Cheers
  15. M


    I am new at tiling and am trying to keep initial costs down so can I get away with a sponge and bucket of water instead of a wash boy ?
  16. S

    Washboy. . . worth getting?

    Hi there all. First post on here!! Thinking of getting a washboy as heard some good things about them and getting fed up of cleaning down tiles with a sponge, over and over again, then polishing. All previous people I have worked with have never used them and so have never seen one in use. Do...
  17. H


    i have a plasplug wash boy for sale it has only been used twice so its in good condition it is still under guarantee any reasonable offer accepted GROUT WASH BOY (PTGWT030) 20 litre tank with lid and ribbed rollers. Flat sponge and corner sponge float included. Unique water...
  18. G

    washboy sponge's

    just a quickie darling. Got a new sponge for me washboy sponge thingy. Is it just me or do the new sponges appear to start off water and grout resistant? I sponged the wall down as usual and there was loads of grout left on the tiles, might even have to polish them! Any thoughts chaps and...
  19. R

    washboy - whose baby?

    Just wondering if anybody knows who invented the washboy (and when)? Would be interesting to know the history of how it was developed/invented.
  20. P


    Could anybody recommend a decent washboy. Seen a raimondi one which is sold by kwiksplit, any advice on a rubi or any other make would be welcome.

