Does anyone know where i can get a new washboy sponge where the sponge is cut in a grid. I think it is called a hydro sponge.
NOT just the plain sponge.
I know trim line do it but looking for cheaper.
Used my washboy for the 1st time on kitchen tiles, only to find water poured out everywhere. I had to stop as to not soak the back of the worktops and revert to using a normal sponge.
I made sure the washboy was rinsed on the rollers with no water coming out, so I cant understand why water...
I juat cant seem to get on with my washboy. The last 3 jobs i've done i've stopped using it half way through, and gone back to a normal sponge. The problem i have is that no matter how much i roll the sponge out, as soon as it touches the tiles it seems to fill the grout lines with water - or...
ok i feel kinda stupid.......but, How the f~#* do you use a washboy??? i have just purchashed the rubi one and cant seem to work out if i have to fill my water so high that it comes over the black grate in the middle, otherwise i see no way of wetting my sponge....??:confused: or am i being...
brummie tiler
rubi tile cutter
rubi tools
tile cutter
Has anyone got a Washboy that has seen better days ? If like me, you sometimes forget to clean it properly ?
Use some undiluted brick acid - swill around & scrub with a brush ( health and safety use gloves and goggles ) Rinse with plenty of clean water. Good as new :)