
  1. Sean-tries-to-tile

    How the tile round this window?

    Hi all, I've had a go at tiling our cloakroom loo and its going ok, (I am extremely slow, it ridiculous). I opted to make the corner of the room the starting point as that is what's seen from the hallway, when u walk past it. My issue is if I follow the patten round from the existing tiling in...
  2. B

    Kitchen window sill advice

    Hi im going to have a go at tiling my kitchen, just wondering if it is possible to tile this window sill instead of having the plastic sill on? It is plasterboard with wood packing it up as the window was actually below the bench but im not sure if tile would stick to the wood/plasterboard edge...
  3. J

    window - best trim to finish metro tiles

    Hi all, tiling my kitchen and I am upto the window. what the best way to finish where the tiles turn in toward the window. These are metro /subway tiles and have beveled edges, so will vary in thickness where they are cut at the window recess - what is the best trim to use or is it possible to...
  4. D

    External corners and window sills/ surrounds

    I have 10mm black porcelain contoured/ textured tiles that I plan to use on the bathroom walls. If I use a tile trim for the external corners then the contour of the tile won't sit against/in the trim flush. Or are there specialised trims that get round this? What are the options I have for...
  5. J

    How do you wrap tiles onto window sill? Just can’t seem to get the joints to line up perfectly?

    Are there any tips on how to carry the herringbone pattern onto a window sill. I’m tiling my cousins kitchen and every time I align one tile up with the joints on the wall the others don’t match up.
  6. W

    Tile Trim Window Edge

    Hey guys, new to the forum.. I'm currently tiling a bathroom and have the tiles cut around the window in the front wall.. I've tried my hardest to get the edge of the window tiles as straight as can be but when placing a tile edge trim up against the line there's a 1mm gap every now and then...
  7. J

    Setting Out Setting out around kitchen window

    First post here, it looks to be the place to get the best advice for all things tiling! Huzzah, after far too many weeks the end is insight for our DiY kitchen fit. This weekend I'm tackling the tilng, it's been 12 years since we did the kitchen in our old house so I've forgotten about all the...
  8. Japster

    Bad tiling on window sill. What to do.

    Hi all. Hope this is the right place to post this. We had our bathroom done last year and over time we noticed that water was getting underneath the tiles on the window sill. The window sill is above a bath which has a shower so it gets quite wet after use. We're pretty good at cleaning off but...
  9. S

    Marking out and sqauring off window sill recess

    How best would you mark out out the tile for cutting in this situation where the recess is narrower than a whole tile? Same for the wall that comes off the recess to the right. Normally i overlay the tile to be cut on top of the second from last tile(which would be arranged in its correct...
  10. W

    Tiling window sill

    Hello all, I’m tiling the bathroom and it currently has a typical new-build MDF window sill. I want to tile the sill and my question is: Do I tile on the MDF or replace it with something. If I replace it, what would I use? It’s a timber frame house so I’m assuming there will be a bit of wood...
  11. Boggs

    Trims round splayed window reveals.

    Bathroom I am on has splayed window reveals, what trims do you guys tend to use on these? I was thinking this Schlüter Finec angled but not sure. Unfortunately mitring is well out of the question, Laura Ashley BCT jobs.
  12. K

    Splitface tile on wall with window by shower

    Hi, I’m going to have the attached tile on one of the walls which has window on, I’m worried that the ribbes in the tile will capture water and dirt if installed on the window reveal? Any thoughts on this? I have a fall on the bottom reveal/cill. Would installing the tiles with the ribbes...
  13. D

    Metro Tile Beveled window trim corner problem

    Hi, I am new to the forum so apologies if this has been raised before. We are having a bathroom reno but we are unhappy with the finish round the window and looking for suggestions. The trim as you can see from the photos just sticks out at the end. We have been told there is not a great deal...
  14. T

    Inside Window Sill tiling

    Hi all, just wanted to ask a quick question. When you guys tile a wall with a widow, do you tile the wall first or inside the window sill or is it just preference?
  15. W

    Trying this stuff out today to bond some Wedi onto a window reveal.

    Not to be confused with filler foam. This is a foam adhesive. Fast setting and sticks more than it expands although does expand a bit apparently.
  16. B

    Revers fitting of edge trim on window reveals

    Hi all. Just seen a previously tiled bathroom where the tiler rather than have the widest face of the trim facing outwards around the window reveal as normally fitted actually has fitted it so this side is within the reveal and just the 2-3mm edge is visible as you look at the window.(which...
  17. D

    Taking 2mm slither off window tile

    Shaving a slither off a tile. All was going well with tiling my kitchen, but I've found that 2 tiles are too deep by 2mm. These tiles are on the window cill and due to a tiny lip at the base of the window it means that these tiles sit forward just enough so that the tiling edge trim will sit...
  18. B

    Looking for help with window bay tiling

    Hey guys. Wondering if someone can help me. I’ve got a lady wanting a bay window tiled with slate, no problem. My issue is the curve on the bay window front and how I’m I’m going to go about it. I’ll post a picture if it makes it clearer. Thanks in advance. This has really stumped me for some...
  19. R

    Tiling window reveals and uneven walls.

    Hi All, Im just finishing a new kitchen and want to tile the area behind the sink up to and including the ledge and reveals. I have 2 questions. 1) Some section of the walls are running out - thick at the bottom and narrow at the top. What is the best way to deal with this - images should be...
  20. S

    Tiling above window - tip?

    hi guys Only done a few tiling jobs myself but come up with a cheap idea for propping up those tiles on the underside of a window without having to cut and waste a load of timber. £2 telescopic washing line props hope this helps somebody in the future...



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