
  1. S

    offset window

    Not started tiling my bathroom yet, but I think I have made a big mistake, in buying a certain size of tile (33x25):oops: I have marked all my center lines making sure not to get a sliver of tile at one end. then I noticed that where the window is (120cmx90cm) offset, I mean not in the middle of...
  2. N

    Plywood or self levelling prior to tiling a large window sill

    I want to tile a large window sill, about 450mm deep and 7m long. Previously it was covered with veneered chipboard but after 25 years the sun plus moisture from watering plants and condensation from the windows above did for it. The wall underneath is uneven brick with some wood inserts...
  3. C

    Tiling over a window

    Hi, just joined this forum & I,m fitting a new bathroom suite in my house, ( i havent done this before) I'm tiling the walls aswell, I,m pretty ok with most of the tiling, but its the tiles over the window, will they stick or slowly slide down. :thumbsdown:
  4. J

    Dodgy window sill

    Hi all, Just ripped all the tiles off my kitchen wall prior to new kitchen going in. Most came off relatviely easy with little damage to plasterboard. I shall be filling with a polyfilla type substance any areas with damage before tiling new splashback. The tiles on the window sill however...
  5. G

    Can't get my layout right around a window

    I am using large tiles - 300 x 600 mm and the window is 593mm wide. So doing a brick bond pattern I couldn't avoid but to end up with slivers of tiles if I make the tiles symmetrical around the window. Any suggestions? thanks
  6. B

    Underside of a window reveal

    Okay, as someone who thought his tiling was okay for DIY and friends and family, but who has now been on a course and realises he was a tiling cowboy, ie PVA, crap tools etc, can you please tell me how you go about tiling the underside of a window reveal? Very interested to hear how the pros go...
  7. J

    tiling round a window

    hey all. i was wondering the correct way to tile the long wall of a bath which has a window in it. the window starts 2 tiles above the bath. how do actually go up and round the window,. thanks for any advice.
  8. D

    tiled window cill.

    Just tiled a window cill with a 20mm overhang was wondering how to keep the grout in the overhang. The customer wanted it done this way.
  9. F

    tiling the window

    I've been having problems with tiling around a window since I started over 7 years now! I never seem to get a job where a plasterer or builder has sorted out the window wall. I go over 1-2 mm to square the window up. I even knock out areas around the corners where plasteres don't bother to...
  10. M

    Window Question

    Just tiled a kitchen and have come back tonight to grout it and had to re apply the soffet tiles at the top of the window . I re applied addy using bal blue star and sticky tape and will go back tommorow to see if they have stuck . I noticed when i took of the tiles that some of the adhesive had...
  11. J

    Brickbond and window reveal help

    Hi fellas, My bathroom is coming along nicely with two out of four walls tiled thanks to all the great advice given on here :thumbsup: This weekend i'm planning to tile the window wall but unsure how to tile inside the window reveal using a brickbond pattern. I'll be using an aluminium...
  12. T

    porthole window

    Hi I have not posted anything for a while now but still read the forum on a regular basis. It's very informative and you get a lot of great tips and help. I have a bathroom to do in marble (44m2) but it has a port hole window in gable end (window is 0.6 m in dia) and the customer wants it tiled...
  13. B

    Tile or upvc window ledge?

    Hi all, Quick question, is it better to tile a window ledge in a bathroom or use a plastic/upvc ledge piece? I've never seen the upvc ledge pieces before and my only concern is will it stay as clean as tiling would or will it stain? I was going to get the ledge tiled but the tiler has...
  14. G

    Help Needed! Tile and trim halfway up a window

    Need some help here lads, I am a plumber by trade and although I have tiled small jobs for years I am now starting to appreciate how skilled you guys are and how bloody slow I am at tiling! I have come across a bit of a problem, the customer wants the wall tiled to the window, (e.g. floor to...
  15. G

    advertising(business cards on window)

    Was out at Ikea at the weekend and when i came out their was a business card stuck down the weather strip of ma drivers door TILING,PLASTERING AND GENERAL PLUMBING MAINTANANCE Their was 1 on every car,now considering how big the car park is their was alot of cards on cars obviously people...
  16. D

    tiling above window

    Do I need to put a batten under the top of window recess edge so that tiles are easy to apply or is it easier to put trim on and then fit tiles? I am not keen on trim but have used it previously. Also this window would only have 3 tile trim edges which may look odd as one end of the window...
  17. F

    Tiling top of window.

    Hi all I'm in the middle of a job using ceramic 330x250 approx tiles, i've got a large window to work round i'm ok with the bottom and sides...but not sure about tiling the top...a full tile will come down from the ceiling (which runs out) and then i've got to allow for tile plus adhesive on...
  18. C

    how do i tile halfway up a window reveal

    hi im chris new member i want to know how to join the tile trim half way up a window reveal where there is one verticle and two horisontal trims meet:smash:
  19. B

    above a window.

    when it comes to the window wall...... 1. do you prop tiles up above the window with a baton and props? 2. or nail in position if possible? 3. or let the adhesive grip to tile..depends on tile size and quality of adhesive of course?
  20. B

    tile trim around a window.

    which way do you like to insert the trim when tiling around a window and why? Ilike to tile the facing tiles then the reveals and insert the trim into the reveals. For some newbies who find the trim a little tricky then try my method and cut your trim by standing it up in the mitre box when...



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