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hi all,
i posted this thread in the arms as i didnt want the general public to hear my rant or to get any ideas.

yesterday was not the best day of my tiling career.

sorry but this may be a long post but i have to get it out.

I have just completed a 40m2 kitchen, utility and downstairs wc in 600 x 300 porcs in brick bond. this job has taken 2 weeks from start to finish due to the fact that the customer would only let me work between the hours of 10am to 2pm and would not allow me to leave tools on site and insisted that the area was spotless before leaving each day.

when i qouted this job no mention of restricted hours were mentioned.
i firstly had to remove the old tiles which had been dot and dabbed and had started to crack, then levell the floor and then tile.

upon completion at 1pm yesterday i called the customer to inspect the finished floor, unbelievable the customer said that is a top job (his words not mine). good i said i will just load up the van and get you your bill and receipt........errrr said the customer but sorry i have no money to pay you.:yikes::yikes::yikes:....well you can judge for yourself my reaction, what do you mean you have no money to pay. sorry but i have no money to pay so i wont be paying. I then went on to explain to him that due to the situation with work not being great and having payed out for all the materials from my personal account i needed the money to pay into my account or i wont have enough in there to pay my mortgage........His reaction was......"Not my problem mate"....had to walk away at this point as i had my stanley knife in my hand at the time and a red mist was decending.....10 mins later having calmed abit i went back to find all the tools in the backgarden and the doors locked....much banging and shouting later the Police arrived he had called them saying i was trying to attack him:mad2::mad2: After a breif and quite frank discussion i was advised by the 12yr old copper that i should just pack up my tools and leave or be arrested for public order offences.

then to cap the day off upon arriving home i had a message from a plumber friend asking me to ring him asap, rang him up to be told that the job we were working on next week has already been started and we are no longer required, This job was a 80m2 restaurant floor and grill area, quote accepted and ready to go. while i was there measuring the customer asked if i knew a good plasterer as he wanted all his walls reboarding and skimming. Now this plasterer i have known for 17yrs and we go out socially atleast once every other week, infact him and his wife were at my house only last saturday for a chinese and a few beers. this was after i had put him in contact with the customer and we discussed the order of work, now it seems that he has gone in to price the work needed and has said that he can tile and do the plumbing himself while he is there, saving the customer money, this i know as i phoned the customer later to ask him.

so in one day a customer and someone i have thought of as a friend for 17yrs have both stiffed me.

sorry but i am going out to football with my son so i will comment back later.



Gobsmacked Chris, absolutely terrible this crap.
I know guys who debt collect and believe me if i ever need it i'll employ their services !!!!!!!!!
Enough said but you know my drift. You done all by the book, he restricted your hours, that cost you money IMO, then turns round and refuses to pay or can't !!
Not good enough.
Seek professional legal advice and get this creep for all you're owed and extra for lost hours and hassle !

Rob Z

Holy Crap CJ---PLEASE consult an attorney and find out what can be done with a mechanic's lien against this property where the work was performed. I don't recall what the guys here said is the equivalent to a mechanic's lien in British Law, but there has to be something like that. So much of our body of law follows from the British tradition that there must be something that you can do to protect your rights. Find a lawyer ASAP. Good luck buddy.


You really seem to get all the stinky luck Chris. You were cancelled by a customer for a big job two weeks before Christmas too, weren't you? As above with everything else can't let this go. This guy sounds like a habitual and deliberate non payer. TBH I'm not sure how I would deal with this because (if I'm right about him) these people are quick to call the police and are really clued up on their 'rights' so tread carefully regarding contact with the guy.


Tread very carefully with this non payer, this guy knows his rights. I suspect he has already done this to other non suspecting tradepeople. The fact he wanted you to take your tools away every night suggests he never had any intention of paying you from day one(gives him the opportunity to lock you out of his house without being accused of stealing your tools).
He was probably expecting you to invoice him by post and not face to face.
Calling the police is another tactic that if this goes down the legal route, you are already recorded with the police as allegedlly trying to attack him! He is clever and knows how to play the system.

You MUST seek professional legal advice immediately.
Do not try and take recourse yourself, it will come back to bite you if it goes to court.

Be warned even if you get a successful CCJ against him, you may find he does not have any assets, the house may not be in his name or he may already be bankrupt. Which would make it difficult for a debt collector to get your money.

Hopefully it wont come to that and the guy will see reason and pay you quickly.
Good luck.

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