2 bits of bad news in one day.

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Think you showed great restraint in not knocking his teeth out, as I may have been inclined to do so. Get straight onto a lawyer and start small claims, as you have to follow the law on this to get your money and you have to give him a chance to pay. You should also start taking deposits to cover materials and expenses in future as genuine customers don't mind.
i wouldn't have left till he paid or i would have started lifting the tiles to get my adhesive back. good on you for not hitting him tho! good luck on getting your money mate
Tread very carefully with this non payer, this guy knows his rights. I suspect he has already done this to other non suspecting tradepeople. The fact he wanted you to take your tools away every night suggests he never had any intention of paying you from day one(gives him the opportunity to lock you out of his house without being accused of stealing your tools).
He was probably expecting you to invoice him by post and not face to face.
Calling the police is another tactic that if this goes down the legal route, you are already recorded with the police as allegedlly trying to attack him! He is clever and knows how to play the system.

You MUST seek professional legal advice immediately.
Do not try and take recourse yourself, it will come back to bite you if it goes to court.

Be warned even if you get a successful CCJ against him, you may find he does not have any assets, the house may not be in his name or he may already be bankrupt. Which would make it difficult for a debt collector to get your money.

Hopefully it wont come to that and the guy will see reason and pay you quickly.
Good luck.
OMG! what a joke,I would have told him it took me 2 weeks to put them up, but will take me 2 mins to take them down whilst weilding my lump hammer in his face!

Don't let this one go, make sure this scumbag pays.

and as for your friend this is a typical dog eat dog world mentality we live in, unfortunately lots of people are like this and disregard friendship for greed.
must be hard for you mate,
the gym i go to there is a debt collector who goes, i don't know how he goes about doing it,but if this lad came to my door,id pay up and give him a tip.,really good lad,but looks mean as hell.
as someone has said,this bloke seems to know his rights,if you take him to court he sounds like he has played the system before,me,id forget the law and go and knock on his door again.:thumbsup:
......"Not my problem mate"....

I had to read this three times, I think the first couple of times I was in shock, then when it sunk in what had happened, I had to go and think about what to do. Whilst many of you would go down the legal route, which would be costly and still not give any joy at the end, I cant agree.

CJ this customer is a scum bag, I have not the slightest doubt that you are the first person he has done this to, and if it was me, then I would be engaging the 'services' of someone to go and collect this debt come hell or high water. However I would do this first, send a copy of your final account to the customer, registered post, I think thats the one where they dont sign it but you know it gets delivered. You know why I advise you to do this first dont you? yes of course you know why, I dont need to explain. I would not go to collect the debt but someone on my behalf, and someone who wont take no for an answer. Nip this in the bud now, and sort it out, from a distance ok?

Secondly the so called 'mate' I hope he rots in hell, and falls face down in the adhesive with his hands tied behind his back. Your life is better of without this two faced, schemeing, back-stabbing, jack of all trades master of none, and what goes around comes around, but it can take time. You have to much aggro on your plate at the moment deal with the scum bag customer first and then tackle the other one when your ready.
I'm sat here with smoke coming outta my ears!!!, what the hell goes through these peoples minds?????


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