2 bits of bad news in one day.

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Just picked up this thread. This guy's parents obviously weren't married. Wish you luck in getting your dosh.

I think many of us work on trust; send out the quote and just do the job when the customer agrees it without getting any sort of formal agreement signed. Sounds as though it was quite a big job but hopefully under the small claims limit, which I think is £5000, but may have gone up, or else it will be more expensive through the normal county court system.

I have successfully used the small claims court on several occassions but only for small amounts. You can even do it on line now. I really dig in when I feel people are extracting the urine.

In one case I took abloke through the SMCC for £50. In the end it cost him £120, but I did have to wait to get paid in 10 monthly installments, as he claimed he was living on benefits but I knew he was running a business breaking vans and selling the bits on E-bay so he got bubbled to the Social and tax as well.

If you want to have a chat about my experiences PM me and we could swop phone numbers.

The only way I can think of that he could wriggle out of this would be if you had done the quote in his house and started work within 7 days without getting a cooling off period waver signed. I put a thread on about this a couple of years ago when it was fairly new legislation as most smaller businesses are unaware of these regulations.

My personal motto is 'Nil Illigitimus Carborundum' which translate as 'Don't let the ###### grind you down''. Or in this case perhaps you could adopt Carborundum Illigitmus', which would be 'Grind down the ######'. What's that noise - Oh its my long dead Latin teacher spinning in his grave.

I wonder If we could name and shame on this site without comeback.

Wishing you every success in sorting this and keep us posted.


Just picked up this thread. This guy's parents obviously weren't married. Wish you luck in getting your dosh.

I think many of us work on trust; send out the quote and just do the job when the customer agrees it without getting any sort of formal agreement signed. Sounds as though it was quite a big job but hopefully under the small claims limit, which I think is £5000, but may have gone up, or else it will be more expensive through the normal county court system.

I have successfully used the small claims court on several occassions but only for small amounts. You can even do it on line now. I really dig in when I feel people are extracting the urine.

In one case I took abloke through the SMCC for £50. In the end it cost him £120, but I did have to wait to get paid in 10 monthly installments, as he claimed he was living on benefits but I knew he was running a business breaking vans and selling the bits on E-bay so he got bubbled to the Social and tax as well.

If you want to have a chat about my experiences PM me and we could swop phone numbers.

The only way I can think of that he could wriggle out of this would be if you had done the quote in his house and started work within 7 days without getting a cooling off period waver signed. I put a thread on about this a couple of years ago when it was fairly new legislation as most smaller businesses are unaware of these regulations.

My personal motto is 'Nil Illigitimus Carborundum' which translate as 'Don't let the ###### grind you down''. Or in this case perhaps you could adopt Carborundum Illigitmus', which would be 'Grind down the ######'. What's that noise - Oh its my long dead Latin teacher spinning in his grave.

I wonder If we could name and shame on this site without comeback.

Wishing you every success in sorting this and keep us posted.


I'd gladly use some of the forum funds to defend against any solicitors letters we got by posting his name on here, but only after Chris wins the case. If we did it now, it could go against any claim which is the last thing we'd want to do.
See your point. What about a trade association that tilers could subscribe to that would take on such cases.
Forgot about the last bit about his 'mate' going behind his back.

I am often asked to recommend a plasterer. I once suggested a guy who was just an aqauintance and he asked my customer how much I had quoted for the tiling as he would be able to do it cheaper - the customer told me. He probably could have as from what i saw he had a really good earner from the plastering work.

Luckily the customer had a strong sense of fair play and stuck with me, even though it was the first job i had done for her. Subsequently I got 5 more jobs from her.

Needless to say his card went straight in the bin and his number was deleted from my mobile.
I'd gladly use some of the forum funds to defend against any solicitors letters we got by posting his name on here, but only after Chris wins the case. If we did it now, it could go against any claim which is the last thing we'd want to do.

Thanks guys but i would rather not name and shame this customer through the website for a number of reasons.
1. this site is a truly great place to be a member of and for people to get correct info from, i would not in no way like the forum to get a reputation for bad mouthing members of the public.
2. i would feel terrible that funds generated for the forum needing to be used to defend itself from solictors letters due to myself having a bad customer.
3. I will get my money of this i am determined.
4. Basically number 1 again. lol

Chris, be determined, don't give up and stay within the law (not so with your "mate". Chin the robbing barsteward). I had a customer try this with me once, luckily I hadn't quite left the house. I still had my main toolbox with hammer and chisel in it and went back upstairs saying " thats fine then, as the tiles are mine I'll take them back off and take them home with me". He started shouting all sorts at me but as he was a liitle twerp and I'm not, he couldn't manhandle me out of the bathroom. I told him if he didn't go and get cash then I'll take the tiles.

Half an hour of real palpitating sweats later he came back with cash and I left with some lovely names ringing in my ears. In truth I was told that as soon as I had fixed them to the wall and floor they belonged to the house as "fixtures" and if he refused to pay I would struggle to get any satisfaction unless I had a signed contract.

Long story short another guy refused to pay full amount even after tellling me the job was great and that he would use me on his other projects. Threatened him with Small Claims and he told me "I'm richer than you can imagine and I don't owe anyone anything". Hmm. Red rag - bull? Yep. He paid all but £148 so I wouldnt go after him through SC. However I registered him online for a variety of choice websites and requested the brochures etc. I think his wife particularly liked the animal based ones as a year later she kicked him out and took a younger model. Oh and he wasn't that rich only about £17M. Git.

Good luck
Anne Summers cataloque is a favourite to drop on doormats.........along with Littlewoods,Kays and Freemans cataloques.

I live in the country and there are numerous farmers that sell manure..............had 2 ton dropped on a pain in the arses driveway a few years ago. COD as well. lol
Accidentally stumbled across this old thread....WOW! Well done for keeping your cool, I really don't know how I would have delt with such a situation....well I do really:lol:

What ever came of this did you get you money in the end?


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