Ouch, Sorry to hear, I too had to read ya post several times before it sunk in.:mad2::mad2:
Its typical of the way this country is heading, personally I would send the boys around, but this scumbag sounds like he knows exactly what he is doing, so ya gotta tread careful & as mentioned by others, from a distance.
The missus read it too & she was gobsmacked too she said same as Pebbs suggested, send final invoice registered post.
Hopefully will get sorted.
As for ya so-called mate, he'd be getting a clip big style.
Good luck with it marra
As stated above i would send a 7 day to pay final bill by recorded delivery, on the 8th day again by recorded delivery send a ''if not paid within 5 days the matter will go to small claims court''.
I would also write on a piece of paper or a notebook that you carry, the conversation you had with him at the time, as clear as you remember it, in a
''I said this'' = ............................ and
''he said that'' = ............................
fashion, also include what the police said, the fuller the conversation the better, this could be used in a court as a true conversation, a bit like police notes made at the time. the sooner you make the notes the better, (made at the time after the police left would have been the 'best evidence'), dated and timed the 'best evidence', you could include a copy of these 'made at the time notes' with your second letter about the court action, when you send it, but this could pre-warn him that you have the notes, so needs thinking about. He will not have notes made at the time, so the court should accept your version as more accurate.
I think he would have committed 'obtaining service by deception' under the theft act. or a similar offence, so may be worth speaking to local police and if possible CID, but they may be lough to take action, but it would counteract the fact that he called the police about threatening behaviour.
Don't let him get away with it, some sort of insurance to cover this sort of thing, could be worth looking into as a group cover.
all the best