6mm ply - floating floor - 55qm - deflection free?

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Evening all,just looking for others opinions on this subject. So today I turned up at a job to tile a kitchen floor only to find it has been covered in 6mm ply after I recommend cement board or backer board be put down,it's screwed down every 6 inches with drywall screws and they have clearly not taken as they all just spin when I put a drill on them,tiles are 60x 60 porcelain and no way I'm taking the chance so walked away,I was just wondering though if it was all screwed down properly would it be ok to put down some matting then tile onto or just rip up the lot and start again, any info on this would be much appreciated. Cheers.
Ply up and see how much bounce / deflection there is then decide if its saft to tile. If your happy with it lay boards as above and tile. If your not 100% on it being OK then walk.
Cheers pal,that's what I shall do,not want to take any chances,it's a 55 M2 floor and I know if something goes wrong it's me that gets it first,plus it big money for customer to lay out once never mind twice 👍
I went back to a house that I didn't tile once because of this snd they had put wood flooring in , they then put a book case with about a ton of books in it and there was a massive dip in the floor.

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