Discuss A motorist's tweet boasting about hitting a cyclist in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



Toby Hockley was on the 100-mile Boudicca Sportive ride in Norfolk when he says he was struck by a car and flung into a hedge. The driver didn't stop. Hockley emerged from the hedge, sore but intact.
It sounds like a run-of-the-mill depressing incident from the UK's roads. But the shocking part came later.
A young woman tweeted: "Definitely knocked a cyclist off his bike earlier. I have right of way - he doesn't even pay road tax! #Bloodycyclists."
The post was retweeted hundreds of times and took on a life of its own.
Soon cyclists had informed the police, identified the woman, tracked down where she worked and told her employer.

Then it went mad , cars v cyclists ... :yikes:

info from >> BBC News - Why the war between drivers and cyclists?

Then read this >>>> I Pay Road Tax

So is it road tax or car tax...?

And should cyclists pay for road use..?

dave l and l

i am a road cyclist, i dont go on the pavement nor do i jump through red lights
i also have a large van and a car tat i also use and i pay road tax on both of them, so why would i be paying for a bike too
fundamentally a cyclist will only hold you up for a few seconds maybe minutes on the odd occasion,
that girl should go to jail or be sectioned for that as she is obviously insane or has no concept of her actions


i am a road cyclist, i dont go on the pavement nor do i jump through red lights
i also have a large van and a car tat i also use and i pay road tax on both of them, so why would i be paying for a bike too
fundamentally a cyclist will only hold you up for a few seconds maybe minutes on the odd occasion,
that girl should go to jail or be sectioned for that as she is obviously insane or has no concept of her actions

what about insurance? Lets say you damaged a car and you were considered to be at fault, do you think the driver should foot the bill or would you pay out of your own pocket?

dave l and l

yeah perhaps an insurance for cycling on roads, it would be much anyway as there is not that much damage a bike will do...
if i damaged anything i didnt own i would pay for it out of my own pocket anyway,
cj if a cyclist is shouting at you that you are to close then you must be to close simple as that,, to be honest how long do they hold you up ? probably seconds out your day. mind if you hit one of them there is a great chance you would kill them.,,,,


yeah perhaps an insurance for cycling on roads, it would be much anyway as there is not that much damage a bike will do...
if i damaged anything i didnt own i would pay for it out of my own pocket anyway,
cj if a cyclist is shouting at you that you are to close then you must be to close simple as that,, to be honest how long do they hold you up ? probably seconds out your day. mind if you hit one of them there is a great chance you would kill them.,,,,

I'm close sometimes.....but only when they are weaving all over the road. Can't fail NOT to be.

Andy Allen

There a pain round our way to, ride in the middle of the road with no consideration for other road users, if they want to ride in groups why can't they ride in single file so other road users can get by..? And as for holding you up for a few seconds, lv'e been stuck behind them for miles, beep the horn to let them know your there and want to get by seems to make them stay there even longer, even had one swerve in to my path to try and stop me overtaking when I finally found a save place to do so........tax them, and they need insurance IMO..

dave l and l

you should not be close at all. wait until the time comes to safely overtake like you would do with any slow moving traffic. its easy enough to do ,

you cycle in groups in order to stop people nipping past you
and in regards to being in the middle of the lane thats where you are meant to be to many holes drains and people opening car doors near the side
plus its easy to go onto the other lane to overtake at a safe point after having to sit behind them for a whole three mins


"you cycle in groups in order to stop people nipping past you "

So purposely holding up traffic ???? Clearly causing an obstruction,I have had to replace a few mirror glasses and a whole mirror casing due to weaving cyclists in traffic and why do they think that leaning against your vehicle is ok at traffic lights,the ones that do stop at red lights. Insurance as a minimum may make cyclists a bit more responsible.

dave l and l

for one yeah i do cycle in a bunch for a variety of reasons, one of the main ones being i dont want traffic to just squeeze by i want it to treat me like another vehicle and overtake at a safe point giving yourself and myself plenty of room. cyclist are not an obstruction to anybody they have just as much rights as cars and pedestrians
that kind of comment gets right on my nerves reffering to cyclist as an obstruction, who gives you more rights than them
maybe you should use your mirrors more often and give them space when they are moving past you in slow traffic that way you would be an obstruction to them


This is from the Gov.uk code for cyclists...


You should

  • keep both hands on the handlebars except when signalling or changing gear
  • keep both feet on the pedals
  • never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends
  • not ride close behind another vehicle
  • not carry anything which will affect your balance or may get tangled up with your wheels or chain
  • be considerate of other road users, particularly blind and partially sighted pedestrians. Let them know you are there when necessary, for example, by ringing your bell if you have one. It is recommended that a bell be fitted.

So riding in bunches as you call it , is ignorant IMO..

Reply to A motorist's tweet boasting about hitting a cyclist in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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