Ultimate Tiling
Hi UT,
£940 seems a lot to be spending at the start of your carreer. Have you persued all free options first ie business cards, flyers and sign written van, I know there is an initial outlay for this but I would make sure I had done all this first before parting with that kind of money in the early days.
£78 pm seeems a lot mate considering it would need to bring you 1-2 enquieres pm to be worth while.
Do you get many enquieres from your add mate?
It is expensive but that includes a pro website which they are going to build and all the google credits ect.
I am also doing the free stuff as i get time.
That should cover most of my online advertising because of google and thompson.co.uk
I'll keep records of where my enquirys come from and review it next year.
The salesman also said if it doesn't work I get gthe same amount of moneys worth to spend next year with thompson as well.