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Ok TF, I thought I'd share with you the job i'm on at the moment and keep you updated as the job develops

These are the before photos

Kids don't you just love 'em

Can you see the big curve in the wall between sink and toilet, The picture doesn't show just how out it is

What is going on with that boxing! The soil pipe takes 4 x 90 degree bends over just half a meter! before it enters the stack

Again you can't tell in the picture but there is an 8" step into the shower!

Before shower valve shot

Before rad shot

On a side note i'm going to try and list the materials used as I go along. In the kitchen i've just finished I found a perfect tile to match the colour of the units and becuase I fit those kitchens all the time I thought it would be handy to start taking notes of materials used and where I got them from. That way when I show a new customer my work I can fit the same if they wish... Also looking through the albums of members here it would be nice to build up a catalogue of the tiles you used so it is easier to find them if another member whats to use them, what do you think?:thumbsup:
Love these kind of posts.
I'd personally get rid of the 2 plastic push fit elbows on the shower feed and put proper connections in.
DOH!!! I forgot the camera today but I promise i'll remember tomorrow, but today I got the new bath in, re-sited where the soil pipe exits the room (so no more crazy angles for anybodys business to navigate), sorted out the stud work, sanded down my tape and jointing and primed all walls for decoration, Took out the old shover valve and fitted the new Hudson Reed shower valve and not a push fit in sight!, no sir!, end feed for me:smilewinkgrin:

Love these kind of posts.
I'd personally get rid of the 2 plastic push fit elbows on the shower feed and put proper connections in.
Ok update for you boys and girls... The floor has taken a battering from the tape and jointing, sanding down and decoration... so maybe those compliments about my tidiness where unfounded!!!!!!

Ok so since the last photos here's what's been happening...

Tape and jointed whole room - using 12.5mm Gyproc plaster board, Gyproc Fibre tape and Gyproc Easifill jointing compound

Decorated walls - Applied 1 x primer coat of Glidens Emulsion (not vinyl) watered down, then 2 further coats of Dulux Trade 'Snowman' Vinyl matt. If anybody's interested please note, Dulux Trade paint is far superior to Dulux retail (B&Q, Homebase, Focus etc. etc.) it has a higher percentage of pigment and binder.





Installed Shower Tray - Pre-installed shower tray, then removed to tank, NOTE: No 8" step in to shower tray like last bathroom fitters!!!!


Tanked Shower - Using BAL WP1 kit, applied BAL Primer APD (neat), jointed with supplied mesh (and gyproc fibre tape, just 'cos... well... just 'cos I did!) and WP1 coating, then applied WP1 coating to whole area with a trowel, I know you can use a brush as well but I wanted a decent thick coat (1.5mm) and in any case I enjoy it and i'm pretty handy with a trowel :bighead:

NOTE TO SELF: Make sure you have a cheap trowel in the van or you'll end up using your Marshall Town and forget to clean it before the coating goes off :mad2:

Primed walls - BAL Primer APD (neat)

Jointed with BAL mesh and WP1

Applying BAL WP1

Install Shower Tray - I would normally install the shower tray on a thin bead of sand and cement (5:1 dry mix) with a latex additive to stop it cracking but I noticed I had some Mapei Fibreplan left over and it has the same properties if not better, so right or wrong I knocked up a stiff mix of the gear and bedded the shower tray onto it.

For any newbie's out there, with a shower tray remember to peel off the protective plastic to all sides that butt up to a wall, so when you come to Silicon you know it is sticking to the tray and not a bit of plastic that you are no longer able to remove

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Tank Bath Area - I had enough WP1 left over to also tank around the bath, this time I used a brush because I was running low so a thin coat is better than no coat!

I did the area down the side of the bath as this is always hot spot for water abuse



Day Finished





I didn't even see one of my guys (Ren) do this as I took the picture, Do you think he wants to go home?


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