Benfer Adhesive and tiling products.

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Looking into the tile stores in the last few weeks and it seems most around here stock larsen producta.This AM I came acroos a shop that stocks Benfer addy, grouts etc and the sales who knew me from some work done for the family said she would give me 40% trade discount on their products.
I know she was trying to make a customer of me but if this Benfer (direct from Italy no less :hurray🙂 range is ok it would definitey make a good markup on any tiling jobs for .
Do any of you lads have an knowledge of this range.
I have heard of it but never used it. I can't recall hearing anything bad about it. Why don't you give it a try and get back to us and tell us what you think?
I use Benfer and love it, never had a problem or complaint in the many years I have used it.
i just used some benferflex to lay some 600x600 polished porc and i thought it was fine. seemed to take a bit longer to set than dunlop or pci that i normally use but it is cold it the room i was working so i put it down to that
i just used some benferflex to lay some 600x600 polished porc and i thought it was fine. seemed to take a bit longer to set than dunlop or pci that i normally use but it is cold it the room i was working so i put it down to that

Why do they mention a max tile size of 40x40 in the instruction booklet?
Seen a few issues with benfers acrylic primer on anhydrite but am fairly convinced they have been application issues e.g. over diluted, not enough coats etc and then cement addy placed on top leading to the dreaded ettrignite. Other than that I have not come across them much - I understand they are very cheap though so worth considering in this current ecconomic climate. Would prefer to see calcium sulphate addy on anhydrite. Benfer do one called Benfergyps.
Why do they mention a max tile size of 40x40 in the instruction booklet?

That will be for the cheaper internal small format stuff (black bag). Still a nice addy, used it on a multi colour slate job recently.

I normally use Benferflex though. The orange bag is grey addy and the pink is the white addy, both are great and well flexible. Can be used with porcelain, UFH and on timber floors :thumbsup:.


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