Black Polished Porcelain stains, HELP!

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super I'll try the Abra Clean hopefully will do the trick, just another thing why wouldn't a basic turps/paint thinners work?
Dave i've just checked what my local tile store in terms of what they stock they sell Lithofin products but not Abra Clean specificly they do sell lithofin stainaway would this achieve the same end product the description sounds similar, if not I'll order some Abra off the net. Also if I do get them clean what would you suggest to seal the tiles with. Would you seal them before grouting and after or just after grouting. Cheers again
Dave, I got the abra clean as suggested, it's got 80% of the marks off and they now shine but there is still area's where you can see trainer marks (imprint of the sole) i've followed the instructions to the word. Any suggestions leave the abr on for longer? specifies 10mins on the packaging, or keep reapplying i'm starting to wonder whether to rip the lot up.
Apply the cleaner again and use a WHITE scourer , dam there goes another of me secrets lol

Dave, I got the abra clean as suggested, it's got 80% of the marks off and they now shine but there is still area's where you can see trainer marks (imprint of the sole) i've followed the instructions to the word. Any suggestions leave the abr on for longer? specifies 10mins on the packaging, or keep reapplying i'm starting to wonder whether to rip the lot up.

Apply the cleaner again and use a WHITE scourer , dam there goes another of me secrets lol


Follow trevys advice.....more than one application might be needed...good stuff though hey!..
Dave, what is the order of procedure with these polished porcs?
1. Abra clean to remove transit wax
2. seal before laying or before grouting or both?
3. Might they need a 3rd seal after grouting?

Thanks in advance.


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