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I've started threads on this subject before, mainly because I'm a massive spanner when it comes to keeping them up to date. In a last ditch attempt to get on top of them, I've purchased the invoice 2 go, pro package iPad app, which basically does all the hard work and all I need to do is feed it some numbers! It cost £35 which nearly made my Scottish side weep uncontrollably but, I've just done 6 months worth of books in 2 hours. I highly recommend it if you are as bad as I am with keeping up to date with paper work :thumbsup:

John Benton

I've started threads on this subject before, mainly because I'm a massive spanner when it comes to keeping them up to date. In a last ditch attempt to get on top of them, I've purchased the invoice 2 go, pro package iPad app, which basically does all the hard work and all I need to do is feed it some numbers! It cost £35 which nearly made my Scottish side weep uncontrollably but, I've just done 6 months worth of books in 2 hours. I highly recommend it if you are as bad as I am with keeping up to date with paper work :thumbsup:

I'd heard that you were as tight as a Scotsman with the generosity squeezed out of him!!!!!


She don't put receipts with invoices Bri, all receipts are put under a heading fuel, materials etc and earnings...thats it and the accountant has never complained.

My accountant charges less if I do a bit more of the leg work, I'm sounding like a right tight git tonight :lol: I'm going to get the crumbs out of the bottom of the toaster in a minute, I'm feeling a bit peckish :lol:

White Room

Watch out for the bad squirrels if you thinking of eating their nuts


Bit of a bonus to add on to this story. I needed a wireless printer to go with my new book keeping app so, I took the family on an outing to Currys yesterday afternoon, after a bit of deliberating I opted for a Canon printer (because it had 45% off :lol: £100 down to £55), paid the money and went back to the car. On the way back to the car we came across a stray dog and thinking it was quite likely to get run over, bundled it into the car and took it home. The wife circulated a description on a Facebook lost and found pets page, we didn't have much luck finding the owner until this morning. It turns out it belonged to one of the towns biggest drug dealers and he was happy to get her back (the dog not my wife), gave us £40 for our troubles and went on his way. Total cost of a printer for me...... 15 quid


I use and recommend the Solar Accounts package. It was about £125 from memory, a one off payment and you download the programme to your pc. It is easy to use and does all my books including bank reconciliation, trial balance and p & l. Once done I copy everything onto a memory stick and my accountant checks it and submits it and my self assessment to the taxman. They also have a forum so you can ask other users if you get stuck. Simple Accounting Software - Solar Accounts

J Sid

I use and recommend the Solar Accounts package. It was about £125 from memory, a one off payment and you download the programme to your pc. It is easy to use and does all my books including bank reconciliation, trial balance and p & l. Once done I copy everything onto a memory stick and my accountant checks it and submits it and my self assessment to the taxman. They also have a forum so you can ask other users if you get stuck. Simple Accounting Software - Solar Accounts

Same one i use Rookery.
Got it about 5 years ago.
Work great for me.
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