Ceramic floor tiles...?

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I can't see why people can't just answer a question without resorting to insults, when I joined this forum I thought it was really refreshing that there was non of the bitching that goes on, on most other forums and that everyone just seemed to answer the questions whether they were stupid or not. I have been guilty of it myself in a couple of posts (both aimed at one particular person who I won't name)

I just think the atmosphere of the forum has changed and I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has noticed it. This post probably won't earn me any friends but that's the way I see it.

There's no such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer
I have felt like sayong something like this but if it came from me... it wouldn't be a nice response at all
I can't see why people can't just answer a question without resorting to insults, when I joined this forum I thought it was really refreshing that there was non of the bitching that goes on, on most other forums and that everyone just seemed to answer the questions whether they were stupid or not. I have been guilty of it myself in a couple of posts (both aimed at one particular person who I won't name)

I just think the atmosphere of the forum has changed and I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has noticed it. This post probably won't earn me any friends but that's the way I see it.

There's no such thing as a stupid question, only a stupid answer

I've re read this thread and I can't find any insults in any of the replies - questions as to the experience of the OP, and the only reference to a stupid question is in yours!
Everyone gives an opinion and if it's not liked - its a tough world.
Have you posted your comment in the wrong thread or have I missed something as I notice administration also agree with you!
I'm not looking to get into an argument with anyone but would you not be insulted if someone questioned your level of experience? there is a difference between not being properly educated in certain areas and being a bad tradesman, the man who says he knows everything is a liar. we don't know why he doesn't recommend ceramics on a floor, maybe he had bad advice from whoever he learnt his trade from or laid the tat Johnsons tiles and had a call back with a problem and now doesn't recommend ceramics because of this. It was the guys first post and it was a pretty vague one at that but still people are assuming he's a bad tradesman.

I'm not having a go at anyone in particular and it isn't just this thread I'm talking about there seems to be a big shift in the attitude of the forum towards an opinion that the only people who should have questions answered are good tradesmen and if that's the case why not just lock the whole forum and only allow people to join that meet the criteria that has to be met to get into the arms?

We've all seen jobs done by cowboys, amateurs and DIYers and these people aren't going to stop doing the work but if we can use this forum to educate some of the numpties and having them producing at least safe jobs that won't fail isn't that a good thing?
I've said it before and I'll repeat it again - what gives a person the right to charge a customer for work he has no knowledge of. To give advice to a DIY'er is totally different to telling someone how to rip off a potential unsuspecting client.
I understand your comments about some of the other threads and the replies from some experienced members but when you've posted more than 305 times you may find that the only way to protect the standards of our trade is to be honest an forthright!
You may find your concerns could find a better response if you start a new thread on this subject in the Tilers Arms.
I agree with you 100% people who don't know what they are doing shouldn't be charging customers for it but on the other hand a lot of people who come on this forum complain about jobs failing because of incorrect prep, wrong materials, dot & dabbing etc. a lot of this is down to "tilers" not knowing any different and if these people find their way on to the forum would it not be more beneficial to the general public to educate these people? we have all ripped out jobs that on the face of it appear to be good jobs but then uncover 6mm plyed floors and dot & dabbed walls, with a bit more knowledge there is a good chance that these people would prep a job right and use the right materials and then you would be cursing them because ripping their work out is taking twice as long as you thought it would when you follow them 10 years later.

When I was learning to tile I was taught to use 6mm ply, prime with PVA, we never tanked a wet area, always used tubbed addy on walls. The work always looked good as and far as I know my gaffer never got a call back because of a failure. I only stumbled onto this forum when I was planning on setting up on my own and my god am I glad I did! if I hadn't then I would probably still be doing all of those things, I would have been unintentionally producing cowboy work because I would have thought it was the right way to do it.

I'm not the only one to have benefitted from the advise on this forum though because 6 months after I set up on my own I teamed up with my old boss to do 20 bathrooms in a new residential home and as far as he was concerned it was business as usual: tubbed addy, PVA for primer, no tanking and the first 2 we were due to start were only plastered the day before. I told him I didn't want to try and tell him how to suck eggs but it was all wrong and explained it all to him and thankfully he listened and we left the rooms for 2 weeks to dry out properly, he changed the primer and the addy and talked to the site manager about tanking (he didn't listen though).

granted I spent the best part of a month staying up until stupid o'clock in the morning reading through old threads to educate myself before I posted anything at all but if I had joined the forum , posted a stupid question or given bad advice and had a load a aggressive answers calling me every name under the sun I probably wouldn't have logged in again and carried on with my cowboy ways simply because that's the way I was taught and I didn't know any better.

Everybody wants to improve the trade and I think everyone can improve it a tiny bit by simply telling everybody that comes onto the forum how to do the job better and some of these people will start producing good work and there will be a few less customers getting ripped off. I think a lot of people think that the cowboys who don't do the job properly know exactly how to do the work right and choose not to but I think there are a lot more people who just need educating on the error of their ways.
is it April 1st !! wind up... no one is that dense, if they are, they wouldn't advertise it....... would they @@ !!


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Ceramic floor tiles...?
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