Mr Tiler
whos not?
Ceramics chip easier if something's dropped on them...say...a hammer !
Ian - I think that all the groups you have mentioned get a good response/input from all established members - most get a welcome and a reply with respect to their enquiry. However some questions asked border on 'no stupid questions' and some are damaging to our trade. Those with the experience to 'read' the post and have many years of nothing but tiling can often be sensitive to protecting a passion and obviously want the job done properly, and thus that's where your Grounhog Day applies! There is IMHO and increase in the amount of chancers undertaking work they have no experience in and charging unsuspecting customers for a lack of knowledge which is putting my trade into disrepute! I personally would rather see a reply which dissuades someone from asking the 'how' and any tiler with an ethical bone would certainly want this occupation to become more professional.
In conclusion - I have no issue with any of the groups you have highlighted, but I'am of the opinion that tiling to a standard is an art gained through experience with a certain amount of passion and enjoyment! To be admonished for telling it as it is is not bitching, complaining or otherwise it's just being honest!
Yours sincerely - timeless John.