johnny here.
Just got in from work to find this thread has generated alot of useful commments arguing for both sides.
Im a new member since yesterday and this forum has certainly helped me think about everyones point of view but in the end I still have the same sense of responsibility.
If my firm had not been warned there would be no argument. But we were and I think the client feels that it is not solely my fault either and they are good honest people.
Just unfortunate that i was on holiday, the foreman was off sick the first day and of course no one expects accidents to happen until they do and then it becomes obvious what we all should have done.
Of course clients employ professionals like ourselves because they dont understand the practicalities and correct method of doing things and allowances must be made.
The client and extended family have given me alot of work in past and my guys have got on very well with them till this episode, so im fairly sure we can reach a mutually agreeable conclusion.
So I think we draw a close to this debate and thanks to everyones input.
Dont think youll be passing the hat round for me though!!!
Still it wont be as painful an experience as a job I had in South
Africa some years ago where the cleint threatened to break my arms within twenty minutes of arriving in his country if my work wasnt up to his expectations. We got arrested coz he hadnt sorted the right visa out .Then I got arrested for passing counterfeit money in a casino that he gave me for wages. Threatened to do me in at a site meeting in front of 6 others inc architect/desingers/ builders etcc , who all promptly left the room to my fate, and then threatened to have someone sort me out in uk if I didnt return to finish his job when he finally found the rest of his stone which was lost in the atlantic.
Never a dull day in a tilers life!!
Look forward to sharing other escapades and problems in future and I am supposedly an expert on limsetone as well as pyromania so may be able o help with tech stuff.