I agree with you that accidents do happen and my main gripe with my guys is that he should have said sorry and maybe this problem would not have got to this.
I have a responsibility as employer to take blame for my employees whatever happens. Was on holiday so missed it all but im not missing now so have to deal with it .
I personally think there is a degree of responsibility to be borne by both parties
and I hoped to make an offer to show goodwill but do not want to implicate myself as being soley to blame.
Jonny thank you for understanding what i always think to my self if i was him how would i feel and to what length would i go to make him pay. People who can afford £3200 chandaliers r only 2 types of people
1, Honest pople who are law abiding
2, Dishonest people who are not.......................
Personally i would offer the excess like u said and take it from there.
It must be just my face attract trouble but will give u another example i recently bought an electric garage door and the cowboys suposidly a reputable company came to fit it and it had scratches all over it they knew but didnt say anything they just fitted it i had already paid the £1200 so they looked at me and thought wots he going to do apart from umm and ahh.
Once they fitted it and i noticed the scratches and confronted them about it and they smiled and said we r only fitters ring the director so i did He turned round and said in these exact words " mr. Raja I will offer you £50 discount but there is no way that door is coming off"
i replied " Mr. bleep bleep wont say name that door will b outside ur house bleep bleep wont say the address within 24 hours if not replaced. I think he understood and a new door is due to arrive a week thursay.
I am not trying to bore you with my long epic incidents just want to make u fully aware the society were if the owner of the company had been right iwth me i would have been right with him. If i had to claim on my insurance because of any one u could bet ur life on it his would b going up 1 way or another. best of luck mate u seem to have right attitude