Discuss Customer From Hell in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



Have briefly read your thread pal.

Keep strong and your head up high, possible this scurrilous scumbag has detected your a decent and honourable guy and has decided to take a chance on basically getting something for nothing.

Persevere with the legal route as any independent person can clearly see there is a very high standard of work backed up with your recent tiling award.

Me personally would see it as you have my adhesive until payment is met and I want it back regardless of consequences.

There are some heartless scum about about when money is involved, my missus when working as a matron in a hospice has had to part people apart arguing over wills while a parent is taking his last breathes, unfortunately you have copped for one of them here.

Best of luck


TJ Smiler

Have just stumbled across this thread........ This woman is disgusting, she is the consumer version of the cowboy builder and deserves nothing more than a slap.

Phil you have an opportunity here to really take this scumbag to the cleaners, get in contact with all your old customers, contact your local paper and tell them the story, your an award winning tiler who comes armed with a thousand references, get this cheap bit of **** named and shamed in your local. I would go to whatever lengths i needed to make sure i got my money.... and some.

This dirty ***** needs taming.

I don't know you mate but have seen your photo's and watched your video of your work and reading your posts can tell what kind of tradesman you are. You and your work is straight out the top drawer, a proper craftsman and i hope, i sincerely hope you do take this right to the very end and get what your owed.

Best of luck mate.

The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

Have just stumbled across this thread........ This woman is disgusting, she is the consumer version of the cowboy builder and deserves nothing more than a slap.

Phil you have an opportunity here to really take this scumbag to the cleaners, get in contact with all your old customers, contact your local paper and tell them the story, your an award winning tiler who comes armed with a thousand references, get this cheap bit of **** named and shamed in your local. I would go to whatever lengths i needed to make sure i got my money.... and some.

This dirty ***** needs taming.

I don't know you mate but have seen your photo's and watched your video of your work and reading your posts can tell what kind of tradesman you are. You and your work is straight out the top drawer, a proper craftsman and i hope, i sincerely hope you do take this right to the very end and get what your owed.

Best of luck mate.

Thanks for that mate, and thanks to all TF members for the support.

The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

:thumbsdown:Have had a letter confirming my claim from court, she has until 12th April to respond.

Bad bit is she has all kind of options to delay the court case. It seems the law has to give her the right to string me along.

I asked her last night by email to give me a convenient date for a TTA report to be done, but again no response. I will never let this go, even if it kills me.

Diamond Pool Finishers

Well it can go either -way remember Phil !!! and you could end-up pay your costs and theres if you lose , mine has cost me about £15,000 so far and i'am the defendant ,and its taken about 3 years and still not in court yet, and the damage to your nerves and family are off the scale, i would never recommend court actions to anyone..... get a mediator and have a meeting its cheaper.......

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