Hi all
Last week I had my de walt d24000 tile saw stolen from my lock up.
They took the main cutting part but left the stand,water tray,sliding tray,extension
piece,so it’s f—k—g useless to the dickheads who stole it.
If any tiler gets offered drop me message .
Stolen in Todmorden
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What chance though of the police going around at request of op to interview said people and ask where they got it from any proof of purchase or what distinguishing marks or insignia the ok had on it , serial numbers ?
I think most of us need to mark.our tools in a inconspicuous place .
They might not be able to prove they purchased it but I doubt it can be proved they stole it .
Slim to no chance which is a disgrace cuz odds on with those bits missing it will be the one...its not the police's fault though, can't cut 20,000 officers and expect the same level of policing!! 🙄 ...nice find though Bri