The chances of you getting the disk back i would say will be nil and you will probably have to start again, its not that hard to get an NVQ anyway, just ring a college up and they should take it from there and explain what they need as evidence, testimonials, few photos etc from your customers, evidence from a training centre doesnt count as it is classed as simulation,
I was supprised when i read that diamond were opening 4 other centres around the country in these times, you just dont do that sort of thing all at once, i think it was just another con to get people to ring them and extract a deposit knowing that they would never see anything back.
Tough lesson to be learned here, be absolutly sure as you can be in a company before you part with your money
My friend went and paid £150 for a mirror once from a shop on a saturday, they said that it would be best to pick it up next day and they would have it all bubble wrapped and parcelled up, he went back next day and the shop had closed down.
Another scam im starting to here a lot now from some training centres that they are using time share tactics and home visits with powerfull salesman to sign you up for finance deals for 6- 8 week courses at £5k plus. Be carefull of these
Any course your thinking of going on these days make sure you google them for current feedback and reviews, there are unfortunatly unscrupulous people out there that will take your money and laugh behind your back
The good feedback that used to be on here from Diamond was from when Kenny used to have it, there wasnt a great deal from when Danny took it over, the last time i looked at a dimond feedback, it was a testimonial from about 8 months ago, he had very little current feedback. Feedback is only any good if it is current like the last 3 months, looking at feedbak from 2008 is OK but things change.
Danny was allways on here saying how they were great but he is a salesman and only pitching his business
I hope the lads that got caught up in this find alternative training and continue to persue there new career in tiling, Tip for you all, dont trust anyone, ive been in business 22 years and learned this lesson a long time ago