ElectriciansForums.net Advertisements Have Been Reduced, And Will Be Reduced Moreso Soon

Tilers Forums Official Sponsors

As always, you can either remove all Google ads and sponsors ads by subscribing to the forum: Subscribe to ElectriciansForums.net and Get No Ads! - https://www.electriciansforums.net/threads/subscribe-to-electriciansforums-net-and-get-no-ads.176537/

You can also use ad-blockers. That's fine with me.

Another way before today was to ensure your post quality was awesome, and you'd automatically get stuck in the Esteemed Member group, which had about 75% less ads than everybody else (it should have been nearer 90% less but I'd screwed something up - sorry about that!).

Though from today, those with X amount of posts should get no Google ads. The X is a figure that today right now is set at 1000 posts. So the day a person hits 1000 posts, all Google ads should go. Esteemed also, even if less than 1000 posts.

And that figure will change as I run testing on revenue. There will be a sweet spot somewhere around the 450 mark I'm guessing but I'd not want to remove ads for people then back down on that and stick some back again. That'd annoy you even more than having them but getting used to them.

So I'll give it a few days then make it 900, then give it a few and make it 800, and so on. And then eventually end up with a sweet spot for this forum where I make some money for food and rent, I'll never be a millionaire, but I also wont annoy people.

Even I hate Ads. Yet my whole revenue comes from them. So needs must. 😀

Sponsors ads will always be knocking around. Their posts knock around even if you subscribe ( though most of their ads go, sidebar ones etc ).

But you need to support those guys like they support this forum because without them, we wouldn't be here at all.

The forum looks ace when you're a subscriber - Subscribe to ElectriciansForums.net and Get No Ads! - https://www.electriciansforums.net/threads/subscribe-to-electriciansforums-net-and-get-no-ads.176537/ - here is the link again. You literally browse just the forum as if it...

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ElectriciansForums.net Advertisements Have Been Reduced, And Will Be Reduced Moreso Soon
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