Colour Republic
I may be speaking out of line here but it is a massive gesture for somebody to pass you work without seeing yours. As I'm sure you are aware by now, this business (well longevity of it) is built on reputation and for somebody to 'vouch' for you and your work is a massive step! I'm part Sicilian so I’d liken it to that:lol:. I'm sure you won't let him down but as I know you are new to the business I thought it may be worth mentioning that you'll be able to count on one hand, through out your career, how many times this happens to you. Even if it comes to nothing long term wise it is still a lucky break, so take it.
As I say I hope i'm not speaking out of line but you hold Andrews reputation in hand here, so no preasure mate:lol:
As I say I hope i'm not speaking out of line but you hold Andrews reputation in hand here, so no preasure mate:lol: