One Day
I just don't get it. Never have. I played footy at primary school and secondary. School teams both times. I played seven a side until a few years ago when i started getting sick of all the screaming, the abuse and having to break up fights amongst the younger players in particular.
All the guys on my wife's side of the family are footy fans and decent guys but once their teams are playing they seem to lose quite a few iq points aswell as the ability to form sentences of more than a few words. It's a game! A game. Supposed to be fun and competitive. Where are the role models in football? Where's the honour gone?
All the guys on my wife's side of the family are footy fans and decent guys but once their teams are playing they seem to lose quite a few iq points aswell as the ability to form sentences of more than a few words. It's a game! A game. Supposed to be fun and competitive. Where are the role models in football? Where's the honour gone?