Discuss fast tiling in the Australia Tiling Forum area at TilersForums.com.


Rizzle from the Portizzle

heres my take on this done plenty of contracting work and it comes down do you work to live or work to make money doing hotels the target for most was 2 bathrooms a day tiled and grouted 16 2m walls 2 2m floor so some would do the two a day. others 3 every 2 days so who was the best tilers?well no snagging no going back on any work spot on every room so they were all great tilers some worked to live .others worked to make as much as they could as they would never have that day again all great tilers just diffrent reasons for working .slow fast its the job you leave behind that makes the diffrence no more no less


OK i was reading a thread and was quite surprised at the attitude of some of the members when it comes to tilers that can get the m2 done quick time. the comments came thick and fast "if it was done that quick it must have been done wrong as in not back skimmed or it must be rough or a lie". now I'm not one to start an argument and i know that fast does not automatically mean good. but it does not automatically mean bad. and i know it is hard for some to conceive that a tiler can fix more than five m2 per day without it being complete rubbish but believe it or not some of us can. and to be honest slow is no guarantee of quality either. i will post some pics tomorrow of a floor i did today 36m2 kitchen, dining room, broom cupboard, hall, cupboard under the stairs, and cloak room. on to a power floated floor using 600 by 300 Eagle polished porcelain.

but for now here is one from the other day not exactly high end but not minging either

OK this is the floor from yesterday pleas feel free to point out the parts of the job where you would have used your superior attention to detail and finesse. I'm not sure i will be able to sleep tonight knowing that i have done the floor so fast that it makes other tilers feel inferior. and i think i may take it all back up and re lay it slower so i can feel like i have done a good job.

i do not think i am that fast and i was not trying to go fast on this floor it was a comfortable pace for me to work at. i did not rush and i did not cut corners just to bang it down quick time but i am obversely faster than some on here does that make me fast or them slow?? You say meticulous i say slow. You say attention to detailed i say milking it. You say finesse i say swinging the led.

i actual do not give a hoot how fast or slow other tilers are but it gives me the hump when slow tilers slate other tilers based just on the fact they lay tiles faster than they do.

Well done Deano, but for a man who doesn't give a hoot you have a lot to say about the matter! "Not trying to start an argument"......who are you trying to kid!? **yawn**

Your post yesterday was very diplomatic and read that you were simply trying to dispel a myth or mindset, yet in today's post you are casting aspersions and belittling other peoples working practices and ethos. Well done you. :prrr:

My finesse and attention to detail is evident throughout all of my work (including spelling & grammar by the way!!) :lol: :smilewinkgrin:

John Benton

Deano, I applaud you for your pictures as there are so many who don't feel up to posting pics of their work and I can understand why! And I don't think there is anyone on here who would doubt the calibre of your work but come on man, get a grip m8, you could start an argument in an empty house lol. Do you feel inferior in some way?


The D

People like to dish it out but they get all upset when they get a bit back LOL

having a a go at someone with Dyslexia about there spelling makes you a real man thogh.

this tread was started as an argument but some of you are as slow as your tiling

if you think I am out of order good I am and I am just as out of order as the people slating a tiler they have never met and know nothing about.


Makes me laugh/cry when I think back to a school we were doing when I was a 3rd year apprentice. Was just getting to grips with the tiling so the boss threw me into the big open changing rooms with no obstacles and long runs. Probably about 300m of walls in all. I thought at the time he was just doing it to get me some good experience, but it's only now that I can see he was more shrewd than that. He had me doing about 25m2 of 8x8 Cinca per day and was paying me £150 a week. The second year apprentice on £70 a week was following doing the grouting. Nice wee earner for the boss, who was also there banging up 30ish+ a day. :incazzato::yikes:


People like to dish it out but they get all upset when they get a bit back LOL

having a a go at someone with Dyslexia about there spelling makes you a real man thogh.

this tread was started as an argument but some of you are as slow as your tiling

if you think I am out of order good I am and I am just as out of order as the people slating a tiler they have never met and know nothing about.

Deano, you truly are a very talented tiler...... I even said as such in the very first reply post in this thread!
But why you set out to try to start arguments is beyond me I'm afraid. I suggest if you have an issue with any member of this forum from this or other posts that you raise this in a diplomatic and timely manner. Starting a post with the sole intention of creating an argument spilling over from old threads is the exact thing that people have been trying hard to stop recently. Keep it civil and personal digs out please. Having a sense of and injecting some humour (of which mine you have clearly misunderstood despite smiley faces galore) into the forum is why many people still enjoy it here.

TJ Smiler

my speed has improved loads over the last couple of years without the standard of my finish dropping, personally i don't think that speed means rubbish, down here there is quiet a well known tiler in our little area (nic name of 'mad mick') Whitebeam possibly could have herd of him too lovely bloke but i'm sure he was born on speed, travels around with all his tools on the back of a scooter and he is 100 mph CONSTANTLY! He would have done what Deano has done in a day 'on his own' and his finish is fine...... so when i see 36m2 done in one day by a tiler and a lad i am very impressed as i can't do it that fast and if i'm honest also a touch envious and even a bit angry! but i never think that because it has been done so quick that it means the end result is going to be bad, speed comes with practice.

3 bed house bathroom, tiling only used to take me over a week years ago, it now takes me on average about 2/3 days and the standard is much MUCH better than it used to be too.

Deano's job, me with a lad would probably take me 3 days. Wish i could do it faster and i'm always striving to speed up cos for me i just want the money and move on to the next job.


I cannot believe that this has escalated into such a bitchfest.
I suppose in a way i started this. I did have a motive and there IS and underlying reason behind my comments.
Ridiculed for Ash and (cant be bothered going looking for the post but.... ) his gaffer knocking out 38m, they werent. I dont think anyone was "ridiculed" in that post.
We all complain about builders, cowboys etc etc. Ash has been tiling for all of 5 minutes. Are we suggesting that he should be able to knock that sort of coverage out in a day? If he does then do we think that he has the experience to apply both speed and accuracy to his work? I would argue no. And thats not just because its Ash.

Its almost comical that the same people that would complain about course tilers are supporting "bash it out" attitude to someone that isnt even a course tiler. Its nothing short of ludicrous in my opinion. Care, finesse and attention to detail are all vitally important traits i feel in our industry. Traits that should take presidence over speed and profit.
Yes a tiler of some 30 years can probably get it done. I personally hate working when i feel rushed. Believe it or not i like my job and trade and this will continue to be the case all the while i apply my own attitude towards my work and continue to enjoy it.

So ill ask the question. 38sqm fixed in a day. Is this something that a tiler at apprentice level should be achieving? Or aiming towards? Is quantity at this level more important than quality?

On a personal level i wouldnt know if i could cover that floor in the same time frame Deano has. To be completely honest it doesnt look very complex in layout. Nothing too awkward to navigate. But id sooner not. I mean what would you charge then? £20psm? So were saying £700+ per day!? I couldnt justify that to a customer. Maybe speedy residential work like that might encourage cheaper pricing. We've all complained about that havent we? Couple cheap pricing and inexeperience together do we not get the other bug bear? Poor finish. Cowboy builders blah blah blah.

If you think about it in a way youre shooting yourselves in both feet.

If you can do it with experience then thats fannastic. Without complaint, awesome!
Setting the bar there for apprentice tilers is nothing short of industry destruction and stupid. IMO


I think the thread title says it all "fast tiling", to my mind it is fast, certainly faster than I could manage. I think Dean is on top of his game and working very efficiently, surely that's to be applauded.

Couldnt agree more Doug.

My issue Deano was that you were quoting "my" work ethics, replying to "my" posts and being openly proud of causing upset.

I now understand that the underlying issue WAS with others (I think). I never slated fast tiling, but added some tongue in cheek humour to lighten the atmosphere. Even this got flipped around to try to start an argument. I have now read through the entire "DIY bathroom" thread which created this monster. In there
Deano you are partial to "mocking" Ash about his speed, but he took it as a joke (which I assume you meant it to be).........
so you finished at breakfast then

Sadly it is one of those threads which was clearly created to end this way. As [MENTION=22801]Bri[/MENTION] said posting of this nature is tantamount to trolling and [MENTION=33317]AliGage[/MENTION] thankyou for shedding some light on how this thread has come to be in existence....I think it may have been your "yeeeeeeah" comment that started it.

I love a good discussion as much as the next tiler, but WILL stand up for myself and others when directly targeted Deano. You stated how much you get the hump when slow tilers slate fast tilers yet you refuse to acknowledge that people take offence at you slating how slow they are. To me arrogance really is a repulsive character trait.

If you haven't got a sound basis for your argument, then don't enter into one. In order for any argument to be valid the conclusion must follow logically from the basis and it has to be a non-fallacious logical form.....the exact opposite of your approach.

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