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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
you can go back as many times as you need Dan

they are treating smoking as tobbacco addiction rather than a habit so you get councillors and allsorts now. apparantly mines called clive and hes going to ring me in the next few days to offer any support

they were telling us tonight that the revenue collected from the tobbacco industry more than covers the cost to the nhs which is why tobbacco hasnt been banned despite being as addictive as herion and just as harmfull

Perhaps this is the bit of a kick I need to ring the doctors then. Need to see them about my damn polyp that's still not gone anyhow so will mention it to him and see what they can do.


My Dad packed in dead easy, it was affecting his eyesight so he had the choice of seeing or smoking!
Many years later he needed a triple bypass, unfortunately he had a stroke at the same time, it was touch and go but he survied, in a fashion, never the same man. After his op I visited him, he was laid topless with this big scar down his chest covered in this yellow 'stuff'. there were about six other men in the same condition. Whilst there I read up on the medical stuff, 99% of all patients on that ward smoked 20 a day for part of their lives. probably the best thing I ever did was never start. good luck to all quitters


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Mike, you may have missed my earlier post, but you can do this. You are stronger than the sirene call of those little poison sticks... get in touch with the Ulysses within... :)

I try Gi, but its soooooooooo hard to quit! I wish I hadn't started but can remember the day like it was yesterday. Nearly threw up on the old steps at school. I went a school that smoking was frowned upon by teachers but as long as you were on the grounds they knew you were coming back after dinner if they stopped near you. If I had proof perhaps I could sue?! lol

As well as that, getting ciggy's so cheap that were dodgy made it easier. Maybe my law suit can be against the government AND the school? Wonder how far that'd get?!

Looking around where I grew up there are less smoking than there were when I was their age, but there are still too many.


Dan, time to give up sucking your thumb. Really. Cigarettes are a comfort thing, I know that myself, like the thumb when little, then sugar and chocolate and alcohol, gambling... and sooner or later it's time to grow up and decide on priorities. As long as you tell yourself it's hard it will be, you got to laugh at the enemy within and control your own mind, the sign of a man. You've been a boy long enough, snap out of it.


Its actually easy to stop smoking, you just dont light it and put it in your mouth.

For those that want to stop and thats what you need to call it, stopping smoking. You are actually giving up nothing, I can recommend reading tht Allen Carr book, 'The EasyWay'

Find it here, buy it read it and stop it. Its that simple.

Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking: Amazon.co.uk: Allen Carr: Books

for whoever it was who mentioned there dad dying, that pressure on smokers tends to not work. I treid that route to stop smoking and all it did was pressure me to smoke more.

I have this to come as i know for sure my father will die from a smoking related illness or disease. Will he listen? Not a chance, he smokes 40 a day Senior Service. He has cut down from 60. These are high tar filterless cigarettes. He has smoked this many for 50 years. He is desperately short of breath just talking and knows whats doing it. He lost his daughter last year to cancer, albeit not smoking related but still got to watch her waste away. His brother is in hosptial with throat cancer right now. Still wont stop!

So for all those who want to smoke, you go for it an enjoy...yum yum
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well done mike. I did it last sept and was easier than i thought it would be. The worst thing is when you realise how much time you seem to have on your hands. I'd sit there in the morning, cup of coffee then .......................................... now what do I do? It is hard mate I was always told the first 3 days are the worst but I think after 3 weeks you have cracked it. I just chewed extra gum all day long.


Unfortunately yeah mate. Though I will keep trying and hope one day as Mike says, I'll want to do it.

Thats right Dan, you have to want to do it. I tried quitting because i felt i should do it - didn't work. Tried to quit because I couldn't afford it - didn't work. Someone close to me had a heart attack recently so in theory has to quit - but hasn't.

So until you want to and know you are ready theres no point trying. Must admit I still have the odd sneaky one when i get stupid drunk etc and although my mother always told me once I quit I will hate the smell of it i still get the fancies and even typing about it gives me the urge! so if you'll excuse me.........................


I stopped 16 years ago, started again about 3 years ago then stopped again and then back on them (dont ask why because I dont know myself).

Anyway I threw a pack away three weeks ago and that was that, no more ever again. My youngest daughter had simply said "you smell Dad, its horrible"
I miss nothing about cigarettes, I always felt embarrassed about smoking for some reason. As for patches and stuff like that if they help you to stop then thats good but I think they are gimmicks and would rather use nothing but will power.

Keep going Mike, you wont regret it, Dan you need to stop now and you know it mate.

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