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i really feel for anybody that smokes...i really detest this country for still keeping something legal that causes so many illnesses. its a kop out and its purely about revenue. i reckon 95% of smokers would be over the moon if they got banned because it would be helping them more than any nicotine patch or councelling..

people who dont or havent ever smoked cant quite understand how difficult it is to quit...
1. its a chemical addiction
2. its a mental association.

so knowing that, you have to change you chemical balance in order to reduce the cravings. ie change not just your smoking habit but also your diet and reduce you alchohol too, which also stimulates the craving for nicotine bigtime!!! what you put into your body is essentially chemicals...if you put high volumes of nicotine, alchohol, salt, vegatable oil, sugar, monosodium glutatamate, cocaine, cannabis etc, then your body chemical balance goes into the negative. the negative then triggers highs and lows which results in binge eating, smoking, drinking, you get my drift....

eat more vegatable, high protein, fresh water, then your body does the opposite and goes chemically neutral and therefor rejects stimulants and kinda does the job for your ;0)

as for the mental association. your brain/emotions rely on the reaching for a cigarette as a kind of comfort/stimulus, so you have to change your associations to positive thoughts to avoid reaching for them,...to give you an example....heres how strong all smokers can be if they put the right thought links to quitting smoking...............

this is an extreme ex, so dont shoot me, im just making a point...if somebody said, everytime you smoke a cigarette, we'll burn your face for half an hour, then you wouldnt have one, because the sheer pain would completely override your addiction with something that was far more powerful to your emotions.....so the trick as mikethetile said, is you must want to 100% quit to begin with, then find a mental association thats stronger then the craving...ie living to see you kids get old, going out with that blonde that doesnt smoke, getting a body like brad pitt etc etc whatever works....

all the very best to dan and mike because i dont wanna see 2 great fellas die early because that would be a real shame. especially dan whos only 28 and got so much to live for ;0)

ps well done to dom!!! takes alot to do what you did!!




you sound like the guy who takes the clinic, he has told me to drink water when the cravings get to me, it works

also deep breathing

ive got their support but ive gone cold turkey as any thing I take to kill the cravings wont help when im off the medication so I ve got to beat this myself

And you can do it Mike, you will do mate. Just stay strong, I know that I wont have one ever again. If I meet someone that smokes and they offer me one or I have a pint and they ask if I am going for a *** I just reply that "I do not smoke", I think its a better answer than "I have given up" because that can lead to a discussion that will not help.

And to add I am amazed at how many people will say that they should pack in when you say you dont smoke, its as if they acknowledge its wrong for them.

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