Fitting former. I suffered so you don't have to!

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Wetdec, question for you please. I assumed the grate on the gulley has to be just sub flush with the tiles, is this right? Thanks

yes m8 stainless flush with tiles, raise again ,pack with grout, screw back down,

yes m8 stainless flush with tiles, raise again ,pack with grout, screw back down,


Thanks for the reply.
The problem is that it won't unscrew when the tiles are in place :huh2:

The instructions that came with the unit seem to suggest packing adhesive underneath it (page 3). They also indicate that the tiles should be cut to allow a square with a few mm between the tiles and the square collar. Unscrewing and screwing back down again would be turning a square, and whilst I can see this would work with a round gulley, This square gulley would surely foul the tiles that are laid up to it at you turn it?
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Today I managed to tile the former. I still need to grout. Apologies for the poor picture quality, that's what a 1.5MP phone camera does. The posh mobile is broken :huh2:

You can see I've got the grout lines all in etc and they are all close to 4mm.



Both pictures show the waterproof membrane lapping the walls, left, right and rear. You can't see the membrane lapping the screed at the front because they are hidden by the tiles.

The walls inside the wetroom area are to be primed with SBR prior to fixing the tiles. I have used the tape that Wetdecs sent me to do the vertical corners - you can just see on the left of both pictures.


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cheeeeers hugo for the pics......:thumbsup:

What do you reckon to the laying etc?

I had to use the wet cutter for the angled cuts, but I only wasted 1 tile, and that's because I tried to use the dry cutter as I explained yesterday.

The top RHS corner of the former was set too low in error, so I had to build up the adhesive for some of the tiles around this area to compensate. Also, to compensate for the tiles being a riven, not smooth surface I steepened the fall a bit.
Just killed this thread :huh2:

HOW :huh2:

Oh well, another one bites the dust:whatchutalkingabout
...and now with the grout....



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Hi CC,

If you'll indulge the American :grin: what is the "gulley"?

I watched a video on youtube that showed someone in the UK installing a cool base for a shower, quite different from what we do here, and very interesting to see.

One thing that I noticed on the video was that there was no trap underneath the shower. The drain piece was a complex looking thing that had a lot of parts, so I was wondering if it served the place of a trap and prevented sewer odors back into the house. I'll see if I can find the video again and post it for you guys to see. I'm sure it is something that you all are used to, but for me it was new and interesting to watch.

Edited to add:

This is the thing on Youtube that I watched, a wet-room base made by Wedi.
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The Gulley is where the water drains into the drain.

The gulley in the former I fitted goes in before the former is laid. The trap is integral inside the gulley, and is often formed by a removable water barrier that forces the water to flow down and up again.

The gulley/ trap arrangement in that youtube video is a similar idea but different to the one I fitted.
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hi hugo,
just a quick one m8,am i right in thinking that the former comes with the falls built in,and that these falls sort of originate at the gully and rise up to each corner,creating 4 triangles,if this is the case then did you follow these lines as grout lines for the envelope cuts or did you create your own falls using addy.the reason i ask is(an i think i am confusing myself here)if you have trimmed the former off the long edges should not the diagonal lines for the envolope cuts have been on the short edge of the former.i hope you understand wot i mean,not sure i do !!!
Nice job though m8,i wanna do summut like that in the future,

also an open question do you think that more an more people are considering wetrooms,am sure that wet decs can answer that one,as at some point i would like to go into this area more.
again thx cc and well done
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