Want to stick my 2p worth here(literally) ha ha.
Going to have nightmares about seeing this 2p piece.
Think the British Standards for lippage over a 2m2 area is around 2mm tolerance, if I remember correctly. (May be wrong here, but sure I'm not far off if I am)
1st of some shocking work been posted by the 2 so called tilers. Can't for the life of me, see why the floor has been that hard to lay. Especially if by your own words, the guys have said its some of the best and flat slc they have seen.
No need for a 12mm bed off adhesive either at all. If your building up that much, then with the weight of your tiles once stuck down, they will sink into the adhesive and give you the problems off lippage.
Another thing regarding your floor tiles, that most people seem to have missed, is that for a floor tile, stuck with a cement based adhesive. There should be absolutely no chance, your lifting these tiles full and managing to clean them up in 1 go. You should be having to take these up with a hammer and bolster, and most of them should be unsalvageable, If done correctly.
The wall tiles as well. Where on earth, would you get that as a starting point? Surely when doing a tile that size, you would, work out your starting points, get the centre points, level and plumb lines done then start at the bottom and work your way up? Not a chance in hell a tile that size WON'T slip and then your working against it, as your constantly pushing it back up, to mark your cuts etc.
I really feel sorry, that you've been bitten, not once but twice by cowboys and hope you manage to get this sorted out.
Been watching that Cowboy Builders as well on Channel 5 and I can't for the life of me, see how these people can possibly get work? They all take the ££££ then do one, leaving the people in a hole. Both emotionally and financially.
Surely it's time to start sending these people to jail?
Have to agree with the comments as well on the "you pay peanuts, you get monkeys to do the job"
It's all fair and well accepting the lowest quote, but if you want good quality workmanship you have to pay a premium. Because guaranteed, we'd be getting a call back to do the next tiling you want, and not come back and deal with problems like these.
Unfortunately more and more people don't see it that way, and are tightening their belts and employing someone who has just done a 2 week tiling course and is now a specialist in wet floors and ceramics.
Lost out on a couple of jobs to people like this as off late, and get the call around a week later to go back around and fix the work(mess) that has been left.
Most people don't see why you need to start again, as they think you can replace the areas that are causing them the problems and then keep coming back to fix the rest, when it fails. Cause once you have put your name to it, you will end up back again and again.
Anyway rant over. Enjoy your weekend folks.