now I understand why British tilers, be paid a lot of money ......
1 cut, 1 hour of work ....😉
I didn't get paid anything. Well, actually, thats kinda not true. He ordered Pizza on Saturday night. Good 'ol Dominos Mighty Meaty, none of this real Italian quattro staggioni muck!
not right me charging for anything at this stage. If anything, I should be paying him for letting me have a go. That cut was slowing going, but it didn't take me an hour. probably about 15 minutes to have it templated and cut. As
@3_fall and
@Andy Allen pointed out, there is room for improvement with the right gear and maybe a few extra minutes getting it closer
Anyway all got finished last night. Siliconed the lot as a finishing touch, which covered all the jagged edges.
BUT.... My siliconing ability needs improvement. Put it on a bit too thick so it left the tram lines either side of the bead when I did the finger-finish. Had to wait for it to dry so that I could trim it back...... and now after all that, he's told me he wants to change it to white. But this is probably may fault for leaving a bold heavy medium grey bead but he said he made a bad colour choice and would have liked it better white to match the skirting.
I'd probably say I'm 90% happy with it. the 10% markdown is for one tile that dips below the height of the rest, by 1-2mm at one end (hard to tell because of where it is). I ran out of the clips and didn't notice it until it came to grouting. My excuse is it was in a very awkward corner next to the loo and maybe the angle of the trowel wasn't right. And the siliconing. Asked him if he'd be happy for me to go back and fix both issues. He said yes if I really wanted to, but was happy to leave it as it is and he'd live with the grey bead. Him being happy must count for something but I won't sleep until I know I've done everything the best that I can.