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Well, being a Christian I have some very strong views in this but following the biblical injunction for a "man to leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one," speaks volumes.

I'm not going to go all religious on you all but the bible states-
'Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman, ' for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh so they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.'

Dougs Third Go

Well, being a Christian I have some very strong views in this but following the biblical injunction for a "man to leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one," speaks volumes.

I'm not going to go all religious on you all but the bible states-
'Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman, ' for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh so they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.'
I'm actually agnostic Geoff, not atheist by any means, just with so many cultures/beliefs/dieties/icons flying around in this cosmopolitan society, therefore I refuse to pigeonhole myself as I see doctrination and indoctrination in all religions. To my thinking it's all fair in love and war, love who you love, swear your love, keep your fidelity, and when you've drawn your final breath and if there is a god, let him sort it out.
"Marriage predates recorded history" this is what's called a logic fallacy. Because if marriage predated recorded history then how could anyone know about it if it's not recorded.

God invented marriage with Adam and Eve to become one flesh and was recorded in the book of Genesis. Surely it is down to the church to set these rules giving the gay community no right to get married?

Dougs Third Go

"Marriage predates recorded history" this is what's called a logic fallacy. Because if marriage predated recorded history then how could anyone know about it if it's not recorded.

God invented marriage with Adam and Eve to become one flesh and was recorded in the book of Genesis. Surely it is down to the church to set these rules giving the gay community no right to get married?
I don't think the church will/are conducting gay marriages Cam, so really same as getting married at a register office (as me and my wife were, my local bigot vicar refused to marry us in my parish chursh as my wife was a divorcee,,,ohhhh the shame!!)

TJ Smiler

I think it's all a load of bull, i don't like the idea of it and find the whole thing uncomfortable, but then i am not gay so how else would i be expected to feel? I can't pretend that i am one of these new world liberal minded people that can see nothing wrong in anything but I haven't really given it any thought to be honest. They are gay, they are gay, so what. What does annoy me is always having this stories in front of me (i know it needs to be done) by the media!! whether they are trying to get me to agree with it or get me to disagree with it i find it boring, uninteresting and i am more than capable of making my own mind up. Get married, have a great day and be happy, either way i am more concerned about my next tile cutter purchase, Rubi or Sigma?????


But how can it be a true marriage ("holy matrimony") if it's not "according to gods holy law". These are phrases used in marriage vows because it is a religious event! Anything else is still just a civil partnership really isn't it!!!!???
I bet those of you who married in a registry office (or aren't religious) still had these words somewhere in your "service".

I'm not homophobic at all, just disagree with calling it marriage (and husband & husband or wife & wife or one pretending to be the other etc etc)

Now THIS is an interesting debate (thank you Doug).....I could feel the IQ being sapped from me in recent threads over the past few days!!!!!


My first wife turned out to be a lesbian. 5years marriage. *****, ****, carpet licker, rug muncher!!!

It should definitely not be called marriage, they campaigned and get civil partnership, won, there you go all the rights of marriage. No sooner did they get that, we now want marriage, now they have that. What next???

Here is a scenario for you, a true one as well. My now wife (this one hasn't turned yet) is a nurse and she works with a lesbo, her and her decided to have a baby with a turkey baster. When said baby was born both women got maternity leave. :yikes:

Full maternity leave.

I think it's straight people who should be fighting for equal rights!!!!


I do agree that churches shouldn't be forced to perform gay marriages, but they will be doing it before long, as there's money to be made, and gods word is very flexible. Since the birth of Christianity, the churches stance on most things has been changing to suit modern times and lifestyles.. Just look at all the dates in the religious Callander that were created to incorporate the pagan festivals, just to make Christianity a less bitter pill to swallow.
if anyone at the top of these organisations really believed what they were spouting, they wouldn't dare change a thing!

John Benton

Its only religious people who it bothers (and nazis) , personally i think religion has a lot more to answer for.

Well said that man!!! Although Mr Tickle has caused a few rows in our house, however it has never lead to anybody being put on a cross to die or put up against a wall and shot. It has been close to it though!!! :lol:


Bit of a story about gays and religion !
Once upon a time a girl saw God in hospital after taking a overdose.
So when she came out she went out to seek this God.
She became 'reborn' and moved to south africa to live on a mission.
after many years she married a south african christian who was quite high up in the church.
After a year of blissfull marriage she caught said man in bed with another man, they were not tickling
It turned out he was a queer, what did this great christian church do , haters of gays and anything not godlike ?????
They kicked the girl back to england and the man is still at said church preaching by day and bumming by night
True story

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