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But how can it be a true marriage ("holy matrimony") if it's not "according to gods holy law". These are phrases used in marriage vows because it is a religious event! Anything else is still just a civil partnership really isn't it!!!!???
I bet those of you who married in a registry office (or aren't religious) still had these words somewhere in your "service".

I'm not homophobic at all, just disagree with calling it marriage (and husband & husband or wife & wife or one pretending to be the other etc etc)

Now THIS is an interesting debate (thank you Doug).....I could feel the IQ being sapped from me in recent threads over the past few days!!!!!

That presupposes that that marriage is a Christian institution. It is not. Marriage predates Christianity by thousands of years. It is a legal institution and yet another rite that Christianity hijacked, like Christmas, baptism and Easter.... It is also arrogant to think that Marriage must be between 1 man and 1 woman. There are still cultures today that accept and legitimise bigamous marriage and it is not so long ago since Mormons (a Christian sect) accepted and encouraged bigamy. No the civil marriage service does not use the phrase holy matrimony. It marries people in the eyes of the law. It's nowt to do with God. And don't get me started on the presupposition that God exists and controlls what people do...

Man created god in his image.... Not the other way round. Or there would only be one wouldn't there?
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I do agree that churches shouldn't be forced to perform gay marriages, but they will be doing it before long, as there's money to be made, and gods word is very flexible. Since the birth of Christianity, the churches stance on most things has been changing to suit modern times and lifestyles.. Just look at all the dates in the religious Callander that were created to incorporate the pagan festivals, just to make Christianity a less bitter pill to swallow.
if anyone at the top of these organisations really believed what they were spouting, they wouldn't dare change a thing!

they didn't move the calendar round to fit in with pagans. They hijacked the festivals and persecuted, tortured and often killed anyone who disagreed. Especially following the council of Nicea in the 4th century... Where incidentally the divinity of Jesus was balloted and voted for, although not by a majority. I'm afraid Christianity has over the years been a brutal and aggressive regime of intolerance and bigotry.


they didn't move the calendar round to fit in with pagans. They hijacked the festivals and persecuted, tortured and often killed anyone who disagreed. Especially following the council of Nicea in the 4th century... Where incidentally the divinity of Jesus was balloted and voted for, although not by a majority. I'm afraid Christianity has over the years been a brutal and aggressive regime of intolerance and bigotry.

I was saying that they altered the "religious Callander". They changed the dates of religious events, so it would fit the pagan Callander. ;)

Mark, you're right, and this bread will be closed before long. It's a shame really.... I don't see why people can't have a discussion without turning everything into an argument, and getting personal!?!


Oh dear... I think this could become explosive! People are very protective of what they believe in and I don't think any forum is equipped to discuss it .... I'm oot!

i agree that people are protective of what try beleive in but that is no reason it should become explosive. Faith is a personal thing. Don't get me wrong, I have my own beliefs, they are not conventional and I do not accept that salvation is achieved by faith in ones god. My daughter also follows obscure religious beliefs, the paths of the ancient Egyptian religion. They did not accept blind faith as a means to salvation but that man controlled his destiny in partnership with his gods. A much more pragmatic approach.


They shouldn't close the thread .
people can believe in what they want,should be able to,
my religion is my wife and kids,I worship them everyday,I don't need some false deity to fill any gaps :)


I couldn't agree more. But...... Someone will will get offended, then it'll turn into an argument, and then the mods have no choice. That's forums for ya! ;)

Colour Republic

Living in Brighton it stands to reason that I know a few gays in the village, personally I couldn't care less what they get up to in the bedroom as long as it doesn't invlove me! To me these people are friends first and gay second, so for that reason I do believe in the eyes of the law, that they should have all the rights I do. But it's not my fight or for me to campaign for them.

So here's a question for you. Given the number of members on this forum, it is with almost certainty that a percentage of them are gay. Maybe that other member you chat to on a regular basis, one you would even consider a friend? Would you treat them any different if you found out their sexual preference? Would you feel different about gay marriage if it involved one of your friends?

Seeing as this new law does not errode any of my personal rights, or affect me in any way, I can't think of a single reason I should be against it. Ok if I was deeply religous I might be, I get that, but i'm not and so it doesn't. I'm just happy someone elses rights have just been improved.

Brighton is a very cosmopolitan city and the best thing about it is nobody gives a damn about what anybody else gets up to. Be gay, tattoo your face, walk around naked, nobody gives a damn or even gives you a second glance because Brighton is full of eccentrics, get over yourself. Brighton has the attitude that as long as your way of life doesn't impact me or you impose yourself on me, then knock yourself out. I can't think of a better way to live myself.

errr kinda went off topic there:oops:

Colour Republic

Certainly haven't skirted around the issue. It seems your definition of marriage must be very different to mine.

First and foremost it is a statement of intent or comitment to your partner, personally I think that's all it should be, but seeing as the law treats married couples differently than non-married, then it can also be a necessity to safeguard your future together.

Marriage isn't owned by religon.


It seems alot of people deemed it necessary to give their opinion on homosexuality in this thread and have totally skirted around the original question about opinions on the meaning of marriage. Only a few of us have actually done this. I would get a more satisfying discussion out of my 4 year old daughter! I despair at times!!!!

Congratulations on being the first person to resort to insults! Give yourself a big pat on the back... :19:

Colour Republic

And some of the other comments aren't!??? Mine is an emphatic statement, not an insult. There is a distinct difference. I rest my case about a more satisfying discussion!

Yes it has been very stimulating to see you are open to discussion on the subject, rather than point blankly refusing to believe marriage is anything other than a Christian event**yawn**

I assume you think hindu's, muslims, buddists, rastas, atheists... have no right in getting married, after all marriage is christian right?

Your religous beliefs dictate what marriage means to you, I have no problem with that, nor should I have. I certainly won't try to change your mind on what marriage means to you, but don't dismiss what it might mean to billions of other people on the planet who aren't Christians.

Colour Republic

Well I stand corrected then.

Your opening post about religon by default means you are against gay marriage, other peoples posts about homosexuality and gay marriage by default explains what marriage means to them but you claim many have missed the point. They didn't, you missed their point.

Anyway not trying to get in an arguement with you, just thought some of your comments above were rude.


If that offends you, then what can I say?.......sorry. It was a deliberate emphatic statement as I stated previously, and to be fair was far less rude than a handful of other derogatory comments in this thread.

I never knew grown men were so easily offended by a 4 year old child's intellect! .......or was it the fact that I despair that was rude?

Anyway, way off topic......and as you stated, not wanting to argue. I love a good discussion.

- - - Updated - - -

I never knew grown men were so easily offended by a 4 year old child's intellect! .......or was it the fact that I despair that was rude?


That was a bit of tongue in cheek humour by the way!

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