A lime screed will function without a dpmWhat's not the case in relation to lime screeds?
A lime screed will function without a dpmWhat's not the case in relation to lime screeds?
A lime screed will function without a dpm
Yes I know the quarry's were there because they are a breathable covering, yes it is fundamental in new builds and builds over the last 50 years however I'm working on a 1940/30's property so no integral DPM under the floor slab, used slate for internal dpc of walls and 2 course of blues for external!
We are laying porcelain tiles throughout (yes I know they aren't breathable) however after speaking with Ardex & Mapei technical departments both said exactly the same, no need to use a DPM, only real need for DPM is with timber & vinyl floors. Even with us laying porcelain floor will breathe through grout joints & eventually moisture will make its way through. Cement based adhesives will not be effected by damp they both told me along with Ardex NA self levelling. Natural salts in the ground may cause some essofflerecent coming through grout however chance of this is unlikely.